JoinedPosts by schnell
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell inthanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
I'll take you up on that suggestion, Bonnie_Clyde! Thank you. And thank you sp74bb and everyone else too. -
Has there ever been a time when someone has been outed as a JW mole on this forum?
by Tenacious inhaving been a jw for decades i'm used to watching what i do, say, or watch, in fear of being snitched on.. therefore, i the question begs.. there have been instances, i won't say how, where i've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-jw rhetoric on this forum.. any input is greatly appreciated..
We're rooting for you, Sorry. Hopefully you can get to college, a good job, something to build your own life.
I know for a fact that I could be identified if someone were sleuthy enough. I don't actually care, and only chose the handle of "schnell" to honor William J. Schnell after being moved by his book. If someone were to analyze my writing style and a few personal clues I leave here and there, I would use that as an opportunity to explain textual analysis in Bible criticism.
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell inthanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
"no, sorry, I need to get this dental work done or I'll be out of pocket ... it's pretty dishonest for [whoever] to claim he's sick just because he's been travelling at the weekend and didn't think to book it off ... why don't you call him and tell him he needs to come in and get the job done?"
I agree, but there are logistics I'm leaving out regarding the work that needed to be done. My boss should've had another available option but didn't yet. Se la vie.
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell inthanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
Getting screwed will do that, out4good4. It's all well and good that he didn't do it maliciously, but that doesn't reduce the impact. If he'd called in sick in January when I wouldn't be out $1200 and could still reschedule, I wouldn't mind as much and I'd be okay with it. If he'd come in anyway because he was not in fact sick, I'd be happy with that too.
To the heart of it, I am tired of the behavior of JWs. I'm tired of the suspension of critical thinking. I'm tired of the duplicity. I'm tired of the hypocrisy. I am completely sickened at a large number of friends who defended the Watchtower's stance on child abuse, and dropped me for finding fault. I'm tired of the wide eyed look in the middle distance. I am tired of the mediocrity, and the inhibition on ambition. I am tired of the whole damn thing.
Jehovah's Limp Witnesses Pointed Me to When I Was Willing to Talk
by steve2 inseveral months ago i approached a nice young couple who were standing by a jw literature stand in my local community.
they were pleasant and polite but incredibly stilted when it came to answering my "innocent" questions about their beliefs.
this was the occasion of jws featuring the article headlined "is religion dying?".
The new corporation motto must be: let the publications and the WT website do the talking
Brokeback, I know I harp on the commonality between WTS and multilevel marketing schemes, but this is ANOTHER example. When you're in Prepaid Legal or one of these junk pyramid schemes, you're told to let the tools do the work. The videos, the fliers, your upline, whatever. It doesn't seem to be any different amongst JWs.
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell inthanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
No really, thank you.
You decided to drive down to LA with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on Thanksgiving. That's awesome. No, really, I hope you had great Thanksgiving.
Then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired. Then you called in sick to get an extra day to rest from your vacation.
Unfortunately, the day after your sick day, you were responsible for a certain job that needed to be done, and only a couple of us are trained to do it. You know this. So our boss gave that job to me. Knowing him, he probably allowed you to take another day off too, so you got 2 sick days on top of a 5 day vacation. Knowing you, you took it.
You could have come in anyway. But you didn't. I had to do it. And I had a dentist appointment that day, which I had to postpone until next year. I am now out $1200 on dental insurance, because I can't reschedule it until January and that money will not be added to next year's dental insurance. Dental sucks that way.
So I lost $1200 and my tooth hurts. It's actually broken and I'm at risk for an infection. I might take an ice-skate and pull a Castaway soon if I have to.
When you did see me the next time, you could have apologized. You had probably heard that when our coworkers told me you were absolutely not sick, that you just needed a vacation from your vacation and I had to cover for you, that I got super fucking pissed and in a tirade said "Fuck him!" I am sure that's unsettling for you. But guess what man. You live in this world too. You even celebrate Thanksgiving just like them, however much you deny it. Your decisions, both good and bad, matter, especially when you are part of a team.
So thanks. Thank you for showing our company how much you love the holidays, thanks for being such a good team player, and thanks for really giving it to the bearded maybe-apostate that you work with. Good job.
Has the rebranding worked?
by MrTheocratic init's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
- I do think more people than ever before are aware of Jehovah's witnesses. Prince helped.
- I do think more people than ever are aware of their BS doctrine, practices and policies. (BS = "Bible Student" of course)
- The only reason more attention isn't paid to them is that there are bigger problems in the world, like ISIS.
- More personally, it feels more like a genuine cult in recent years. It would not surprise me AT ALL to see a GB member admit on JWB that it is a cult, nor would it surprise me to see the rank and file eat that up too.
I like the Jefferson Bible, myself.
When 2 JWs have the same call...
by schnell inas i was driving past a certain gas station today, i recalled that the family who own it are called on by a friend of mine, and in a territory where it's hard to find interest.
it reminded me of an incident months back when this friend, brother d, discovered that another friend, brother b, was calling on that family too.
hey, gotta make your time.. those two went at it.
I remember suspecting that my Mom's recovery had to do with them giving her an "out"....blame it on the demons rather than your own weakness or immaturity. As kids, we didn't care so long as she back on her feet again.
To be fair, that is one psychological benefit to the belief in exorcisable demons, it has been so observed.
If you can think of a psychological hangup in this primal, mythical way and see it as an imp or a thing that can be removed from yourself, you might well feel better once it's gone. That's partly why Mandaeans love baptisms so much.
Jehovah's Limp Witnesses Pointed Me to When I Was Willing to Talk
by steve2 inseveral months ago i approached a nice young couple who were standing by a jw literature stand in my local community.
they were pleasant and polite but incredibly stilted when it came to answering my "innocent" questions about their beliefs.
this was the occasion of jws featuring the article headlined "is religion dying?".
the whole "confront the elders with the inconsistencies" step.
I still get told to talk to the (high school education level) elders. The fact is that I did have a memorable talk with one of them about evolution and belief in God. Unfortunately, he undermined his understanding of evolution by talking about aliens and saying we can't conduct the experiments ourselves. And then he undermined his understanding of basic theology when he agreed that Pascal's Wager is not a good reason to serve God and that it falls right into what Satan said in Job, but then at the end he concluded against all the evidence I brought up that "At some point you have to decide that there is a God."
Baseless. This faith is completely baseless. They talk so much about building on a rock foundation, but the cracks in their understanding run too deep. I give this elder credit for debating the topic with me for over an hour, but he shot his own case.