I have heard some and never explored Go. Sounds a bit like Lua, but with Google's backing.
JoinedPosts by schnell
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
Thank you, Michelle! -
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
@scratchme, I'm mostly a *nix guy on the programming front, so I was big on C for a long time. I actually started with C++, but since the more recent standards, I don't know if I'd recognize certain additions to the language today. I do like Python and Lua quite a bit, and in a particularly nerdy endeavor, I learned some 6502 assembly to program for C64 and NES. :P Never went anywhere with really any of this, but programming has absolutely influenced how I think, and I credit Eric S. Raymond and The Art of Unix Programming for introducing me to some more philosophical ideas in general (and not just in programming).
All that said, I have a Windows 10 laptop sitting in front of me, and I'm perfectly happy with it so far. I might look into some more C# and .Net stuff if I feel so compelled.
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
My real name is Benjamin Heath, I live in southern Oregon, USA, and you can always reach me on Twitter @ben_heath_. I have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my Twitter. I intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is I'm reading about at the moment.
I'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-JW by choice. I think I have worked out a lot of vitriol and frustration that I had for the organization through this forum. Thank you so much Simon, scratchme, Finkelstein, David_Jay, Heaven, blondie, and everyone else here on helping me feel welcome and validated but also to help me calm down.
Thank you everyone.
Knock knock."Who's there? Two elders!!
by Darkknight757 inso today was a cold and snowy day in my neck of the woods and the wife and i were just chilling around the house waiting to go to the church tonight for a candle lighting service when lo and behold we get a knock on the door.
yup, 2 elders from my old hall.
i figured they were fishing for some time so i invited them in and gave them some coffee and we talked about everything that happened and why we walk away from the jw's.
Because they want to live forever! Don't you? No? Well you don't want to die, do you? Well, see! You wanna live forever! It's in you to want to keep living, therefore God.
Knock knock."Who's there? Two elders!!
by Darkknight757 inso today was a cold and snowy day in my neck of the woods and the wife and i were just chilling around the house waiting to go to the church tonight for a candle lighting service when lo and behold we get a knock on the door.
yup, 2 elders from my old hall.
i figured they were fishing for some time so i invited them in and gave them some coffee and we talked about everything that happened and why we walk away from the jw's.
At that time the suns rays could not fully be on the earth because of the water canopy round the earth.
And yet this water canopy persisted for another 1656 years after the birth of Seth.
Admire the reinterpretations as we might, that's all they really are. Plainly, the earth is not older than the stars either. It's about 4.543 billion years old in a universe that is 13.772 billion years old.
Knock knock."Who's there? Two elders!!
by Darkknight757 inso today was a cold and snowy day in my neck of the woods and the wife and i were just chilling around the house waiting to go to the church tonight for a candle lighting service when lo and behold we get a knock on the door.
yup, 2 elders from my old hall.
i figured they were fishing for some time so i invited them in and gave them some coffee and we talked about everything that happened and why we walk away from the jw's.
Nope. How long is a creation day? Do we really expect trees to lay dormant for thousands or millions of years? Or do we really believe the earth was made in 6 24-hour days 6000 years ago?
Annual Cult Exit day
by stockholm_Syndrome indoes anyone here do a " annual cult exit day" at home --- we are thinking of a christmas tree with a birthday cake on top hanging with easter eggs --- listening to punk while smoking cigars ....thoughts?.
Good to hear it. I'm fairly new on this site myself and recently faded after years of growing doubts and failing rationalizations.
Preaching work already done - not for now
by stockholm_Syndrome incompare what happened during the apostolic period -col 1:23:provided, of course, that you continue in the faith, established on the foundation and steadfast, not being shifted away from the hope of that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven.+ of this good news i, paul, became a minister.rom 16:26but has now been made manifest* and has been made known through the prophetic scriptures among all the nations according to the command of the everlasting god to promote obedience by faith;who was the preaching commission, or coming forward as a witness given to?
remembering context, audience and purpose….john 15:27;and you, in turn, are to bear witness,+ because you have been with me from the beginning.hmmm i personally wasn't with jesus from the beginning ---were you ?matt 11:1when jesus had finished giving instructions to his 12 disciples, he set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.i wasn't one of his original 12 disciples ---where you?matthew 28:16-20however, the 11 disciples went to galʹi·lee to the mountain where jesus had arranged for them to meet.
17 when they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted.18 jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “all authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.
No, we certainly care. The JW experience deserves to be talked about and expressed and dispelled. However, we're not really not talking about your experience as a JW... We're talking about an aspect of the theology which you readily smashed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well done.
There are plenty of topics like this one on here, so I wouldn't put too much weight on the dismissal.
Annual Cult Exit day
by stockholm_Syndrome indoes anyone here do a " annual cult exit day" at home --- we are thinking of a christmas tree with a birthday cake on top hanging with easter eggs --- listening to punk while smoking cigars ....thoughts?.
I don't do that, um, specifically, but I do, say, watch, and read whatever I want everyday. Like a person.
It's good to be out, isn't it?