JoinedPosts by schnell
1975 statements
by A Believer infrom jw org.
“six thousand years of human existence”.
in 1969 the watchtower magazine in czech began publishing a series of articles based on the book life everlasting—in freedom of the sons of god.
Good thing they only predicted the end of the world once.... Right? -
"Intelligent" Witnesses
by megaboy inafter reading some experiences, i have found that this organization has had quite a big change in its operations within the last decade.
back when i was talking to the ocassional witnesses at a local hotspot i remember some of them having respectable intelligence.
what i want to know though is those who have been aquainted with who they felt were more educated and independent in thinking, how they handled the rapid changes.
Are we talking about changes in doctrine (overlapping generations) or changes in publications (simpler, shorter, and almost 100% deepities) or changes in meeting structure?
Because I honestly didn't care about any of those.
I cared and still care about intellectual honesty. First, I decided that science and the Bible MUST be congruent if it is the word of the one true God. Failing that, I decided that a loving and merciful God would not give me a brain so that I could then not use it. Then came the big question: Is there a God? In honest skepticism rather than high arrogance, I had to mimic Pharaoh and ask: "Who is Jehovah?"
"Just have faith in Jehovah..."
by evilApostate ini recently spoke to an old friend of mine who is still under the clutches of the watchtower.
a while back, i had told him about all the child sex abuse coverups, false prophecies, false doctrines etc.
he was really shocked and surprised.
Does a god who demands or rewards credulity deserve worship? -
Nic's Alternative Xmas Message.
by nicolaou ini've done a few of these over the years but this time it's very simple.. beware jc, the bearded man who promises salvation and raises the hopes of many.
read his words of division if you're ever tempted to join his followers, or just ignore him and enjoy your life.
happy holidays everyone!
Can I just say how happy I am this holiday?
My lovely wife told me after work last night how she told a customer "Merry Christmas" and the customer was shocked that she hadn't said "Happy Holidays" and she was very confused... And I just smiled as she told me this story. My wife told her customers "Merry Christmas." So, yeah. Things are gonna be alright. :)
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Are witnesses even trying anymore?
by megaboy inhavent had an encounter with a witness in a while, almost 10 years, though at this point i could run circles around them in the scriptures, this encounter was very strange.
was eating with my son at a coffee shop, guy comes up using it as an opening.
i'm use to this because people find my son beautiful so i was open to him.
@Donny, at the end, I endorsed the idea that I wasn't looking for debate but for the predisposed. This lack of epistemology and discourse nagged at my intellectual honesty just long enough.
Are witnesses even trying anymore?
by megaboy inhavent had an encounter with a witness in a while, almost 10 years, though at this point i could run circles around them in the scriptures, this encounter was very strange.
was eating with my son at a coffee shop, guy comes up using it as an opening.
i'm use to this because people find my son beautiful so i was open to him.
The size of the tract doesn't matter. Just the teaching of the good news. And the invitation to go to the Kingdom Hall.
Was megaboy taught anything about the good news? If he was invited to the hall in any way, was the invitation that appealing?
Writers (not God) are at fault
by anointed1 inif scriptures are written by people who have no sense of justice, it is natural that god would be misrepresented—something that happened to the biblical god.
to mention a few:.
1) david, murderer of the innocent and faithful, wrote portions of the bible.. 2) paul who set in opposition to genuine apostles who were directly trained by jesus himself sarcastically describing them as “superfine apostles” openly declared in some places that it was not spirit, but he was writing.
if it makes you happy.
Forgive me, but while a person may believe whatever they want, that does not necessarily make it okay. A belief may be horrific, in which case we can agree that it's not okay, or a belief can be nonsense, which is less sinister but can spell problems for both this person and others as well. Those problems can even be deadly, or costly, as in the case of parents who don't get their toddlers vaccinated.
Quotation in book - what are your thoughts
by Tallon inbeen away for a couple of months as i felt that i needed a break.
during this period i completed reading a book (fiction), titled; conclave - authored by robert harris.
there is a very interesting sentence in the book which got me thinking.
I could choose to live in a tiny house with a 1964 Volkswagen and a garden that grows all the food I ever eat.
I could make everyone in the world live in tiny houses with 1964 Volkswagens and maintain a garden with all the food they can ever eat.
I happen to choose neither, but there is a clear difference between them.
Writers (not God) are at fault
by anointed1 inif scriptures are written by people who have no sense of justice, it is natural that god would be misrepresented—something that happened to the biblical god.
to mention a few:.
1) david, murderer of the innocent and faithful, wrote portions of the bible.. 2) paul who set in opposition to genuine apostles who were directly trained by jesus himself sarcastically describing them as “superfine apostles” openly declared in some places that it was not spirit, but he was writing.
1) The incomprehensibly vast size of the universe teaches how insignificant our earth and all its inhabitants are (which means there is no basis for anyone to feel self-important)
I do marvel at the immensity of the universe and at our own importance or lack thereof. However, be sure not to focus so much on humility to the detriment of pride. Pride is important, because it is connected with honor and shame. If you can take away someone's pride, you can also take away their honor, and their shame.
2) The way planets and stars act too teaches us humility! They move around keeping to their orbits just like vehicles follow lane-discipline on a busy express highway (as though submitting themselves to some unseen authority).
Go with the flow. It's called gravity and has nothing to do with humility or submission. You do not submit to gravity anymore than you could choose to defy it.
3) Plants produce fragrant and beautiful flowers and trees produce fruits for others to enjoy (not for themselves). They too are living lessons of humility.
Yes they do produce those flowers for themselves. Flowers, seeds, buds, and symbiosis with bees are means of reproduction.
4) All the stories and histories written show that those who pursued self-importance reaped misery in the end. [shows that all the writers are somehow led by some imperceptible force to come to the same conclusion that ultimately truth wins and ego fails]
No they do not all show this. Assholes don't always lose, and Habbakuk observed as much. Or don't you watch cable news?
You really do seem overly focused on humility. Why so?
Is it just for social reasons you remain?
by UnshackleTheChains inas someone who has tried to fade on various occasions, i always end up attending meetings!
why is this the case you may ask?.
if i was single, i would have kissed this high control american religion goodbye many years ago.
Believing in God and believing every word from the Borg are not at all the same. Swing and a miss.
However, I will corroborate that many do believe every word from the Borg. (They have to, or they'll lose all their loving friends and family.) Even if they don't believe every word, many still believe it is still generally true and that Jehovah will be vindicated in the end even if his mouthpiece has misspoken... It's like Stockholm Syndrome.