The Problem of Evil in Intelligent Design.
Cuz that's pretty damned evil.
you're not likely to see this in an awake!
magazine, but here goes.
for those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:.
The Problem of Evil in Intelligent Design.
Cuz that's pretty damned evil.
for those that still care to read the bible of course.
those that don't, please keep the snarky comments to yourselves :-).
i am assuming nwt is not very popular?.
Can we get snarky now?
The Jefferson Bible and Da Jesus Book. And more seriously, the Q source is a nice concentration of gospel to read.
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
Bottom line is that the WTS doesn't reject evolution because it's implausible, lacks evidence, or is inherently "atheistic"...
...they reject it because WT cosmology requires the Eden creation narrative in Genesis to be literal history; it doesn't really work otherwise.
Looking back, it was the realization that evolution had to be true - and, more importantly, that the WTS could never budge on it - that started me down the XJW path, in fact.
Me too, Vidiot. That was quite an epiphany for me.
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
@jwleaks LMAO
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
There had to have been some sort of super-evolutionary process that almost instantly resulted in the tremendous variety we see today. However, this process wasn't really evolution because it only occurred within certain undefined "kinds" that trace back to the ark. What the ever-loving f*ck?
"Adaptation." Yeah, I was on board with "microevolution but not macroevolution" for a while, but it was a bargaining phase. It bothered me then that so many witnesses dismissed evolution altogether and didn't try to understand it.
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
@neverendingjourney, it's a far cry from "change in genetic frequency over time". I remember studying the Creation book in bookstudy, and I remember learning the definition of evolution in community college biology. It struck me so much, and what struck me more was that this definition... makes sense. Evolution happens. What is everyone so afraid of?
I think you want Chapter 4 of The God Delusion, where Dawkins rips the book to shreds.
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
The WTBTS is in total defense/survival mode. They are doubling down on all their dogma, espescially loyalty to the "Faithful Slave" and "unity of doctrine." Yes, the current WT study edition actually says "unity of doctrine."
They aren't writing another book where they can misquote authors, they have other issues right now.
My wife cited the Institute for Creation Research recently when defending the flood. She didn't know what the ICR is, or AIG for that matter. But there ya go, the creationist pseudoscience was available online for reference and she linked me to it. I am sure other witnesses have, too, and I saw at least one Kent Hovind video passed around Facebook.
What I'm saying is, if they don't get on that, young earth creationists will happily fill the void and most JWs would not know what they were getting into.
But, maybe the GB is fine with that. *shrug* They've already referenced Michael Behe and the E. Coli motor in a magazine.
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
@neverendingjourney, here's a fun drinking game: Take a shot every time the book provides the definition of Evolution. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Another game though: Take a shot every time the book conflates natural selection with chance. Have fun!
@Crazyguy, radiometric dating deniers do so because they don't care, and because they implicitly want to believe no matter what and satisfy Pascal's Wager. (Insert problems with Pascal's Wager, such as polytheism and divine omniscience.) You say any kind of dating is better, and they can just listen to the oceanic sound of their fingers in their ears. But once the walls come down, they can go back to that evidence and realize, "OH SHIT!"
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
Mitochondrial Eve dates back 200,000 years, and ****may**** have been contemporary but probably predated Y-chromosomal Adam. Homo sapiens sapiens underwent a cognitive revolution 80,0000 years ago and developed the ability to make stuff up. The Lion Man statue then dates back 30,000 to a cave in Germany. We've been around a while.
I wonder. How do we support a Babylonian origin for all false religion when this little lion man statue predates even the oldest gods known to man?
as far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
I was "late to the game" finding this, but man is the Harry Peloyan interview interesting.