wow! Dumas, TX! I know someone that was going to move there last year but decided not to. They visited the hall there and everything. Scary!!
JoinedPosts by seawolf
Another Elder Charged With Sexual Abuse
by Gerard in
wednesday, june 11, 2003top storyelder charged with sexual abuse.
lauri zachry.
WARNNG!! GRAPHIC!! Men....PLEASE Don't Wear This in Public!! (or private)
by teenyuck in.
i got this in an e-mail.
i have no idea who it is.
Martha Stewart Indicted ! What do you think of her now ?
by xjw_b12 in.
it seems martha's stock value has gone down, as well as her status in the eyes of her fans.. any opinions ?.
Someone has to take the heat/spotlight off of Enron, Worldcon..opps..I mean MCI , Global Crossing yadda yadda yadda
King of Swaziland blames the world's problems on women wearing pants
by seawolf inmbabane (reuters) - swaziland's absolute monarch has singled out women wearing trousers as the cause of the world's ills in a state.
radio sermon that also condemned human rights as an "abomination before god".. .
"the bible says curse be unto a woman who wears pants, and those who wear their husband's clothes.
MBABANE (Reuters) - Swaziland's absolute monarch has singled out women wearing trousers as the cause of the world's ills in a state
radio sermon that also condemned human rights as an "abomination before God".
"The Bible says curse be unto a woman who wears pants, and those who wear their husband's clothes. That is why the world is in such a
state today," Mswati, ruler of the impoverished feudal nation of about one million, said late on Thursday.
The Times of Swaziland reported that the monarch, who reigns supreme in the landlocked country run by palace appointees and where
opposition parties are banned, went on to criticise the human rights movement.
"What rights? God created people, and He gave them their roles in society. You cannot change what God has created. This is an
abomination before God," the king told an audience of conservative church leaders.
Women on the streets of capital Mbabane were not impressed.
"The king says I am the cause of the world's problems because of my outfit. Never mind terrorism, government corruption, poverty and
disease, it's me and my pants. I reject that," said Thob'sile Dlamini.
Reuters No comments from me since the article speaks for itself. -
in the U.S., be careful what you read
by teejay inchecking what you check out .
librarians unite against government's new ability to peek at what you read .
by michele orecklin .
Everytime they look at records, they have to get a warrant. They have to go to a judge and show a cause to look at someone.
Section 215 of the act allows FBI agents to obtain a warrant from a secret federal court for library or bookstore records of anyone connected to an investigation of international terrorism or spying.
Unlike conventional search warrants, there is no need for agents to show that the target is suspected of a crime or possesses evidence of a crime. As the Santa Cruz signs indicate, the law prohibits libraries and bookstores from telling their patrons, or anyone else, that the FBI has sought the records.
in the U.S., be careful what you read
by teejay inchecking what you check out .
librarians unite against government's new ability to peek at what you read .
by michele orecklin .
seawolf is going to have these laws at the library going to make anyone safe?? Do terrorists check out books on making bombs, blowing up bridges, bringing down airliners, using guns, etc from the public library? It seems to me this is more along the lines of spying on the common people by a paranoid government.
In fact, according to Finan, less-publicized demands by law enforcement for customer information have become "alarmingly" more frequent over the past two years. And not only independent booksellers, but giants like Borders and Amazon, have been subpoenaed. In perhaps the most egregious case, authorities ordered Amazon to give them a list of all customers in a large part of Ohio who had ordered two sexually oriented CDs. Independent booksellers have been especially hard-hit by these cases. And fighting them without the benefit of a corporate budget or in-house counsel means hefty legal bills and months, if not years, of hassle.
"Big Brother is watching you read."
A guy gets busted for hacking. The FBI goes and checks his library (or book-buying records at Barnes and Noble or Amazon, etc) and they see he checked out (or bought) a certain book on network security. They do a check of everyone that's purchased that book and find my name. Am I under surveillance now?
I agree with what teejay said. In a perfect world.......
A lot of this has to do with trusting the government. Stories like the military unable to account for a TRILLION dollars ( ) do not exactly inspire confidence.
np on the pic teejay.
in the U.S., be careful what you read
by teejay inchecking what you check out .
librarians unite against government's new ability to peek at what you read .
by michele orecklin .
I read about this back in March. I never thought of posting it here or else I would have....
To Veil or Not to Veil, that is the question.
by Yerusalyim inwhat say you on the following news article?. sues to hide face in license photo.
mike schneider.
If the law already allows for her to be veiled then it's Ok. If not, they she either takes the veil off for the photo which she doesn't have to go round showing to people unless she commits a driving offense or she doesn't drive.
Actually, quite often you have to show your drivers license when using checks. I've even had to show my drivers license several times when using a credit card because some places have had a lot of problems with stolen credit cards. I hand him/her the credit card, s/he swipes it through the machine and asks me to see my drivers license. Quite often s/he compares my signature in addition to my photo.
I don't see how any of this photo ID is going to happen with her drivers license being all black except for two eyes? What's the point in taking her picture if that's all there is? No picture, no license.
I do find it interesting that she already got a license where she lived before and didn't remove her veil.
Look, I'm all for religious accomodation, that's how I make my living in the military, I'm passionate about it; but common sense needs to win out sometimes.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Guantanomo Bay to become death camp!
by Abaddon innice to see the us government is setting standards for the rest of the world to follow again.... (links from secular blasphemy).,5936,6494000%255e401,00.html.,6903,963108,00.html.
The big problem I have with Guantanamo is: how many people at Guantanamo are innocent?
Dozens of the detainees are Afghan and Pakistani nationals described in classified intelligence reports as farmers, taxi drivers, cobblers and laborers. Some were low-level fighters conscripted by the Taliban in the weeks before the collapse of the ruling Afghan regime.
None of the 59 met U.S. screening criteria for determining which prisoners should be sent to Guantanamo Bay, military sources said. But all were transferred anyway, sources said, for reasons that continue to baffle and frustrate intelligence officers nearly a year after the first group of detainees arrived at the facility."There are a lot of guilty [people] in there," said one officer, "but there's a lot of farmers in there too."
Others were grabbed by Pakistani soldiers patrolling the Afghan border who collected bounties for prisoners, sources said. One such prisoner was captured at a restaurant near the border where he claimed to have lived and worked for 20 years.,0,4293848.story (the link doesn't work anymore--not sure where it went)
So innocent people were turned in by Pakistani soldiers for $$$$, were turned in by the afghans in an effort to prove themselves to the americans, etc...
"We're basically condemning these guys to long-term imprisonment," said a military official who was a senior interrogator at Guantanamo Bay.
"If they weren't terrorists before, they certainly could be now."These articles are roughly 6 months old and some innocent ones there have been released ( but I have to wonder how many innocent are there rotting away, STILL not charged with any crime?
Can a Re-Instated Person Ever Become An Elder?
by Englishman inwhen i was but a wee lad, re-instated persons were regarded with great suspicion pretty well for ever after.
i recall a lady i knew becoming engaged to someone who had been re-instated, my parents actually commiserated with her parents over this sad state of affairs.. back then, re-instated persons were barred from almost everything.
just student talks were allowed, but no praying and no ministerial privileges whatsoever.. then in the early 70's, the wt stated that it might be possible for re-instated persons to be given a ministerial position after a proving period of at least 10 years impeccable behaviour.
I know of a guy that's been disfellowshipped THREE times and is now an elder.