So far I have only quoted from bible scolars, I mean ones who support the bible, no critics yet, I will soon, but all the quotes I have used so far have been Christian Theologians not critics. So don't go there, I really do not believe you have read any of the quotes I have made, and who they are from. You quoted one dead person and expect everyone to accept it, I quoted one dead, one old (although this guy may have kicked the bucket by now too) and one living.
The idea of Daniel being a forged book is not unusual for the bible at all, many book are forged or psudopigraphically written, there is much evidence to that.
onacruse is quite correct, the way they date many writings is by linguistics, and Daniel is dated to around the 3rd century BC (BCE if your a JW) and not into the 5th century BC. The fact that it was not part of the LXX in the 2nd century is another evidence that it was not part of the Hebrew writings in that day, WHY? Because it was not part of their holy writings then. It was added later on. WHY? Because it was FORGED or psudopigraphically written.
You so far have not shown why there is any reason to not think it was, you have only stated I have no faith in the bible and that is quite true, it is a forged book much of it written by zelious christians, like Irenious, and Papyous to control the masses (refering to the NT) much of the OT is the same.
I will make a few more quotes about this tomorrow when I have my references (they are all at work).