Is that the 2 volume set "New Evidence that Demands a Verdect"? I have read some of this book, it is pretty much a remake of his earlier works with some updated topics.
prophecy: ps 72:10. fulfilled: matt 2:1,11. .
prophecy: ps 2:6. fulfilled: matt 27:37. .
prophecy: ps 78:2. fulfilled matt 13:34. .
Is that the 2 volume set "New Evidence that Demands a Verdect"? I have read some of this book, it is pretty much a remake of his earlier works with some updated topics.
prophecy: ps 72:10. fulfilled: matt 2:1,11. .
prophecy: ps 2:6. fulfilled: matt 27:37. .
prophecy: ps 78:2. fulfilled matt 13:34. .
"You" in verse 14 is plural.
Umm SwedishChef, where do you get that information?
In reading the prior verses, God asked Ahaz to ask for a sign and Ahaz refused.
Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying,
Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.
But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD .
Looks to me like he is speaking directly to Ahaz and not to any plural group.
I tired to look up the usage of the word "you" but the lexicon does not describe it.
So I would be interested to know where you got your info, that the "you" is Plural here.
However I do notice that verse 13 does go into a plural saying "O house of David", But that still does not address that he was speaking to Ahaz.
Edited by - seedy3 on 20 January 2003 22:44:24
i am having a discussion with my elder bro-in-law, and he says the bible was written for all people.... but i'm sure i've read somewhere that the wt says its only meant to be understood by the faithful and discreet slave..or 144, i right?
i'm a bit confused on this point.
anyone got any references that i can include in my reply to my jw bro?.
In the 4th century the bible was commisioned to be assembled by the Catholic hierarchy (the 2 mostly involved in the assembly of it were, Irenious and Paphius) for use by the clergy, it in the begining was not intended to be for general use by anyone else. Actually it was, at one point in time, a capital offense to have possesion of one if you were not of the Clergy. That much changed during the reformation periods and such. Much of the currently used bible does not contain the full canon, there are many books that were once considered canonical but have now been removed by the protestants. The catholic bible still has some of the originally removed books in it, but many are still controversal even among the catholic clergy. Many of the books even in the protestent version are controversal, like the book of Revelation and the gospel of John just to name 2, as they were argued, in the begining, that they were not written under spirtual guidence (My opnion is none of it was written under spirtual guidence, but that's another topic) Some of the books, such as all 4 of the Gospels are suspected to not have been written by any of the acredited authors. The only books that can really be traced to actual persons of the bible are some of the books of Paul and a couple others, but even some of those are suspected of fraud.
But to your real Question what does the WTB&TS say about it: quotes from
But this is a good quote:
*** Watchtower 1967 October 1 p.587 Finding Freedom with Jehovah's Visible Organization ***
Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals , regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind.
i have been registered here since october 2001, when the un story broke.
i figured it is time to start my first official thread and introduce myself.. first i would like to thank simon for providing this forum.
i have enjoyed it immensely for the past year or so and found it both thought provoking, and humerous.. the problem i have, is trying to get my wife of 18 years to visit here.
Ok ok, I screwed up this post and don't feel like re posting what I posted........... sigh........... it's an age thing I think.
Edited by - seedy3 on 16 January 2003 23:10:33
did being a jw stifle your ambition?
did not needing to plan for the future affect your career choices and your consequent wealth?.
i'm not simply talking about following the advice to not take up an education which has been discused many times, but i'm going further to say that those brought up in "the truth" had their whole philosophy moulded and shaped in a way which never searched for more or wanted more; a non-materialistic outlook.. now some may still say materialism is evil, or that being brought up this way leads to a more content life.. the cynics, like myself, will say that keeping people 'happy but poor' is the genius of the rich.. i've had some success after leaving the org, after taking up education and so on, but it has taken time.
"Did being a JW stifle your ambition?"
Well in a way yes and in a way no........ financially no, I was set in a career early on, infact I got started in my career at the age of 16 (1972). But sexually it did, I wanted to have it with so many women but never got the chance becasue I was a "GOOD" JW kid............. Well until I was in my early 20's. But by then I was married and had kids and such, so I still have not fulfilled my dream of doing em all........ sheesh what a sad person I am. (chuckle, chuckle)
when we were witnesses, we certainly believed in god.
some of us were born into it, and others have perhaps come from other religions, while still others may never had any religious faith at all.
some here on the board now claim that there is no god at all.
I have read a few books trying to justify the story of the gospels, and have yet to see any good information, and no real evidence to prove, even his existance.
There are a couple of books by Josh McDowel that try, yet fall short, All of his evidence is flawed and full of holes, or been proven totally wrong. I am at a point that I could believe he may have lived, but to this point, I still have not see any proof, and any good Jew would have to say he didn't, even though some jewish writings say he did, but even those are only a few hundred years old and not from the 1st century. If there was just a trustworthy tidbit from AD35 or earlier would be great, but nothing. Why did all these GREAT works go unnoticed to all historians? if he did so many things so GREAT then someone should have seen them, but no one did outside the gospel writers and even those are not written by the ones they are atributed to. It is sad
ok this is from another thread, on daniel and is off topic but i said i would start another thread on this topic, i felt it was so far off of the book of daniel topic it needed it's own thread.. swedishchef said in the other thread found here 27:46,51 "now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour...and, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;".
the darkness, which was like looking through extra-strong sun glasses, seems to have pervaded the world at this hour.
phlegon wrote that in the fourth year of the two hundred and second olympiad, there was a great darkness over europe, surpassing anything that had ever been seen.
Ok this is from another thread, on Daniel and is off topic but I said I would start another thread on this topic, I felt it was so far off of the book of Daniel topic it needed it's own thread.
Swedishchef said in the other thread found here
Matthew 27:46,51 "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour...And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;"
The darkness, which was like looking through extra-strong sun glasses, seems to have pervaded the world at this hour. Phlegon wrote that in the fourth year of the two hundred and second Olympiad, there was a great darkness over Europe, surpassing anything that had ever been seen. At midday, he said, the stars could be seen. At the same time an earthquake caused much damage in Nicaea. Tertullian said later that he found in records of Rome a notation of worldwide darkness which the statesmen of the Empire could not explain.
Ok I have never seen any evidence for this, prior to now, and would be very interested to know where it came from and how this was determined. I will research it in my AM tomorrow (Sunday) and give a reply to this statement
the following was written by professor johseph d. wilson, d. d., and is about the prophecies and criticism of the book of daniel.
it was published in the four volume book series called "the fundamentals.".
modern objections to the book of daniel were started by german scholars who were prejudiced against the supernatural.
Hey SwedishChef,
I agree this is off topic and interesting I have never seen any evidence to the quake and eclipse at jesus death until now, I need to look at it and research it. I think should be in a different thread, so I will post your quote in a new thread and will research it and respond to it in the evening tomorrow, (well my tomorrow afternoon, if your in the states I am at least 14 ours ahead of you). when you go to look for it just look under members then look my name up and look for threads started by me, should get ya there.
i dont know about you guys but im starting to get the feeling that a big fallaway is on the cards in the wt world what with all the recent scandals and the advent of the internet , information is so readily available to those in developed countries ,i feel that especially in developed nations the wt will suffer huge losses due to apathy and their extreme stand on so many issues, that many will become sick and tired of the wt treadmill of life which is so far away from the simplistic beauty of biblical christianity what do you think?
I've read that data before on a couple of other sites, I was facinated to learn that Islam is the fastest growing religion in main stream religions. In I also read that in Aussie land the Pagan/earth beliefs are growing the fastest, percentage wise anyway.
thanks to our german friend, we have received this article :
july 8, 1998. appeared in awake!
july 8, 1998. appeared in awake !
As an ex-JW and I'm sure most of us will agree, that when the WTB&TS uses the ............... their leaving out some important stuff. I have read the Statement long before this and was shocked the first time I read it.