JoinedTopics Started by seedy3
Watchtower October 1, 1970
by seedy3 incan someone look up this article and tell me if it says anywhere on pg 604 .
"if heaven were made the receptacle of the heathen, savages, barbarians, the idiotic, simple, insane and infants" and give a complete quote i do not have access to them.
thanks seedy
JW's set to waste more paper @ Wallkill NY
by seedy3 incheck this out pictures of the expansion of the wallkill ny printing plant
one that i really wonder about and wonder how much they cropped is this one
is that a pyrimid there?????
Ethnic Cleansing in the Bible
by seedy3 ingreetings people .
i was havng a discussion the other day with a christian about the bible being the word of god and the subject came up about ethnic cleansing in the bible.
now i know of a few instances of it such as in the case of them taking a city and killing every living thing in the city, but the comment i made was a quote from patty robertson shown below, can anyone tell me what scripture this is based on?
getting out in service and the GB
by seedy3 inhey folks,.
i was just doing some thinkning, and man that can be dangerious, but maybe some of the former bethel members can answer this.
how often does any of the gb ever go out door to door?
!919 God chose them, recient articles???
by seedy3 inhey folks,.
i was in a discussion with a jw and the subject came up about the watchtower and their fds being gods sole channel and visable org.
i mentioned that the watchtower claims that they were chosen in 1919. i was abruptly told that had to have come from old literature.
Looking for N Calif Relitives
by seedy3 inwell this is my first post in quite a few months, i've kind of taken a break for a while, but none the less i am not lost lol.. anyhow i was just thinking about my cousins that i have not seen in many many years.
when we were kids we were pretty tight, but after i moved to mn in the mid 70's i lost all contact with them.
but i am intersted in finding out if they are still in the borg or not, so if anyone knows please send me a message or post it here.. my uncle's name is james (jim) davis his wife was/is betty.
For real or slip of the pen?
by seedy3 inok in another thread found here i found here it references some articles by roberta moore, whos children were killed and she is blaming the wts (and i don't doubt it at all), you can read about it in that thread and corresponding links.
now as much as i feel for this person, because i know, this cult is responsable for countless deaths all over the world be it from suicide, "persicution", the blood issue and the list goes on.
i wonder if these pictures are for real in what she is claiming or can we go to any picture and find hidden symbols that are just the way the picture was drawn, with no real meaning at all.
Jesus Resurection, Voodoo trick or for real?
by seedy3 ini just watched a program about voodoo magic, one point they discussed was the zombies.
the voodoo witchdoctors have the ability to give a person a poison that slows down the bodies system funtions so slow that even modern medical equipment can not pick it up, then a little later when no one is looking they go out dig up the "body" and resurect them.
now given this point is it at all possible?
Being born again
by seedy3 ini was just in a discussion with a jw who was talking about being born again.
now i know that jw's beleive that only the annointed are born again but when are they born again?
also is there any watchtower references to that?
Earthquakes, eclipse at jesus death?
by seedy3 inok this is from another thread, on daniel and is off topic but i said i would start another thread on this topic, i felt it was so far off of the book of daniel topic it needed it's own thread.. swedishchef said in the other thread found here 27:46,51 "now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour...and, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;".
the darkness, which was like looking through extra-strong sun glasses, seems to have pervaded the world at this hour.
phlegon wrote that in the fourth year of the two hundred and second olympiad, there was a great darkness over europe, surpassing anything that had ever been seen.