I woke up in 2014 and it took about 6 months, I was a very active elder and Pioneer so it was a lot to process.
I got a tremendous pain in my foot and thought I had somehow fractured something but an xray revealed nothing, after two more episodes of the same thing both lasting several weeks it was eventually diagnosed as gout which didn't seem to make much sense. I was also getting migraines every few days, something I usually only get 2 or 3 times a year.
After going on a holiday of a lifetime that included a visit to NYC I came down with flu on the airplane home and had a complete breakdown where I couldn't leave our house for about 3 weeks, I've never felt so physically vulnerable in my life.
A nutritionist my wife worked for asked if I was under any stress explaining it is one of the leading causes of gout and illnessin general which really surprised me. I was put on a brutal diet for a month and started relinquishing my responsibilities which took about 6 months in all. The best thing I did was counselling every couple of weeks for about a year, I'm now completely inactive and haven't had any of the above symptoms for nearly 2 years now.
I loved my faith and waking up was very painful for me both emotionally and physically but I wouldn't have it any other way, it's frightening what damage your mind can do to your body so my plan is to keep a healthy cult free mind.