Give me a break! That's an absurdly easy choice: You choose the lady, of course, and go to hell immediately. The very existence of a hell would impel any moral being to demand to go there rather than enjoy a life of ease while knowing others were suffering. A moral stance would be to reject such a bargain and demand the worst that a deity could offer, to basically say to the deity 'You cannot force me to take part in this atrocity, even peripherally. I reject your immorality. Do whatever you want to me, you monster.'
Posts by Seeker
The Devils Gift (a weird story)
by Big Jim inthe devil's gift.
the doctor re-enters the examination room.
his head hangs low, as he has bad news to deliver to the young patient.
Why do they have clothes on?
by Simon injust a thought.... in most of the publications that have pictures of people in the new order / new system / paradise earth - why do they have clothes on?
not only that, but they usually wear their national costumes !.
i guess the practical reason is that if everyone was naked then the watchtower would be classed as soft-porn and could only be sold from top shelves.... anyone have any thoughts on this?
The explanation I was told is that because we will always have seasons (post-Flood, and not the way it was in the Garden of Eden), there will now be a need for clothing that didn't exist before. Granted, not bitter extremes, but no longer the global tropical climate that made going without clothes easier to deal with.
As for showing naked bodies in the Watchtower, they did for many years. Even as recently as, I think, the early 60s, Eve was pictured topless in the line drawings of her (but always with a strategic, uh, bush to cover her, well...). Nowadays that could never work, what with the use of photographs and all. Still can you imagine how popular some Bethel sisters would get if they posed for photos topless, a la Eve?
Would make convention dramas more interesting too...
Pioneering and the New System - LOL
by Jang infound this on one of the jw sites a couple of years back .... just came across it again and just had to share it with you all ... the mind boggles!!!!!.
pioneering and the new system.
we were sitting around, relaxing in the wonderful spring weather.
It was a short time later, that Brother Harrumph walked up to the group. Brothers Gruff and Pride were right behind him. All were elders from the congregation before Armageddon.
"Sister Cassanova, Brother Clarke, Brother Pembrooke, Sister Correy, it's good to see you well today," Brother Harrumph began. "But Jehovah's people are a diligent people, who love working for Kingdom interests. We are not the type to sit around idly gossiping. Why, look at how hard Brother Gruff and Brother Pride and I have been working today!"
"What do you mean?" asked Sister Cassanova, as she lowered her eyes and her lips tightened as they always did when the elders were speaking to her.
"Get to work, get to work, get to work," growled Brother Gruff, using emphasis to make his point. "There are dead bodies to dispose of, and animal carcasses, and toxic waste dumps to clean, and factories to tear down. Work in Jehovah's service is never a burden, remember."
"Have you three elders been clearing away dead bodies today?" asked Brother Clarke hopefully, trying to get on their good side on the off chance that they might consider him for eldership soon.
Brother Pride laughed heartily at this idea. "We're too busy for that, we have to organize things. Just like when we had Hall cleaning, remember?"
Brother Clarke nodded quickly, thinking back to all those toilets he scrubbed while Brother Pride has supervised with his checklist.
"Come, come," chided Brother Harrumph, "let us get going, can't have any idlers in the new system." He narrowed his eyes and frowned as he continued, "You see what happened to idlers, don't you?" He gestured away to the right where a heap of corpses were rotting in the sunlight. A flock of overweight vultures were casually stripping bits of flesh from one of the bodies, a sight that turned Sister Correy's stomach every time she glanced over.
"Don't be too long about it," reminded Brother Gruff. "We have a meeting tonight."
"Tonight?" gasped Brother Clarke. "Oh yeah, I guess this is what used to be called Thursday. I forgot about the meeting." His heart sank at the thought as he had hoped to put up his hammock tonight and enjoy lying there with a glass of lemonade in his hand. Oh well, he thought, I haven't got any lemons anyway. Man, how long has it been since I had fresh food, he thought glumly.
"Careful, Brother Clarke," sneered Brother Pride, "we don't want to be invoking the names of false gods after Armageddon."
"Huh?" jumped Brother Clarke. "Wh- what do you mean?"
"You used that pagan name for the day of the week. Haven't you read Kingdom Bulletin #532 giving us our new Theocratic names for the days of the week? Now that all those pagans are dead, we don't have to put up with their disgusting false garbage."
"Oh, um, yeah," stammered Brother Clarke, "I don't mean Thursday, I mean, um, uh, I mean..."
"Psst," whispered Sister Cassanova, "Rutherforday. It's called Rutherforday now."
Brother Clarke turned back toward the elders with the name of the week triumphantly in mind, but it was too late. They had scurried off to rouse another group of idlers on the neighboring hill.
"Ah well," sighed Sister Correy, "I guess I'd better get to work on that pile of bodies." She lumbered off to the mound of corpses.
When Brother Clarke glanced over a moment later, he got a quick glimpse of Sister Correy vomiting as the smell came over her. I don't feel so good myself, he thought sadly.
[Edited just to fix a couple of typos]
live longer
by teejay in .
analysis of studies shows that religious.
involvement may be a factor in living a long life .
Hmmm...doesn't seem to differentiate which spirit you worship, longer life results regardless. I can see the slogan now: "Be a Satan worshipper and live longer!"
My Epiphany
by Farkel inwell, folks.
i just had a minor epiphany.
its a wonder it never dawned on me before, because it should have been so obvious.. we can forget about doing any more research or any more exegesis.
You remember that one song that has the quasi-Hawaiian music? One of the paradise songs, but I can't think of the title. Anyway, I was in one congregation in the midwest that didn't have a piano, but had an organ. The elderly sister played the organ for the songs, and I always felt like I was in a skating rink or something. But when this Hawaiian song was the one to play, she got it into her head to put on the background beat while she played! The combination of the snappy background sound with the organ sound doing the Hawaiian song was too much and I cracked up. I felt like I was at the organ store in the mall...
by You Know inall mankind stands condemned before god, and yet some are more reprehensible than others are.
as an example, christ called the original christian apostate, judas, the son of destruction.
so too, and not surprisingly, the activities of modern day apostates are said to awaken the judgment from of old, so that "the destruction of them is not slumbering.
The bible does teach that all who reject Jesus as Lord and God will perish for their rejectoin of him, and they shall all burn forever in the lake of fire. It is not heresy or apostasy to belive such it is the truth.
Well, it is your truth anyway, or at least your interpretation of your truth. It's a horrible concept, and it implicates your God in evil ways, but to each their own.
Fark, looked all over for YK's "apology"
by Tallyman in...but can't seem to find it anywhere - for all those insults he hurled.. has your patience run out?.
Was plain as day to me and everyone else.
Speaking for everyone now? All right, if there is anyone else reading this thread that can tell me in what way I was acting in a sneaky manner, please explain it. Evidently it's obvious to everyone but me, according to Yadirf. So please, someone other than Yadirf, state how you view matters between us.
Thank you.
The Horse's Ass Award for May 2001
by seven006 inin every news group, discussion board and chat room there seems to be a few individuals that never seem to completely grasp the art of thinking.
their need to disrupt and irritate reach superstar status in the realm of stupidity.
the desire for attention and recognition though sophomoric post's and chat room spamming becomes as much a part of the entire internet experience as the valuable and useful contributions of others.
Why would I sue you? Didn't you read what I told You Know, and how I feel about such actions?
Or is this another one of your slurs?
Fark, looked all over for YK's "apology"
by Tallyman in...but can't seem to find it anywhere - for all those insults he hurled.. has your patience run out?.
I have no idea what you are talking about. My response to you was as straightforward as can be. How you can view that as sneaky is beyond my understanding. Perhaps you can explain it in detail, since what you said to me didn't provide me with any clues.
So as far as your libelous use of Sneeker goes, you are still without cause.
Fark, looked all over for YK's "apology"
by Tallyman in...but can't seem to find it anywhere - for all those insults he hurled.. has your patience run out?.
Speaking of bluster mode...