Besty, I appreciate your attempts to bring some balance into this thread. and Coffe Black, I appreciate your playing Devil's advocate here.
I'm glad Aniron was called on what I think is the most pathetic and silly response of several of the global climate change deniers on this site - "Why, we're having the coldest winter (or summer, etc) on record, which disproves global warming." As you clearly showed, local weather anomalies have nothing to do with global climate. Comments like Aniron's always scream out to me, "This person doesn't know what they're talking about!"
I admit I need to study this issue a lot more, but I've done enough research to know, as Coffee Black stated, that no one is denying that the global climate is changing. What is being questioned is whether this is just a normal occurence or is it being acerbated by humans and our pollution of the atmosphere. Two years ago I interviewed a scientist that I respect, Tom Wessels, the author of "The Myth of Progress," and asked him straight out about this controversy. I quote from my article:
When asked about the critics of climate change, those who say there is not enough data over a long enough period to know if we’re experiencing real climate change at least in part because of human activity, Wessels has no hesitation in his answer.
"There’s not one research climatologist who says that. Not one. You’ll hear that from the non-scientific community and you’ll hear that from people who have an ideological point of view, but the science (about global climate change) gets stronger all the time. There’s really not a debate in the scientific community at all that this is happening, or that humans are responsible for it. The debate is shifting to what is going to be the degree of change and what is the change going to look like regionally. We know that the change is going to be much more dramatic the higher in latitude you go. We’re already seeing that."
Since that interview, there have been petitions signed by literally hundreds of international scientists essentially stating what Tom told me in that quote. Yes, there is some controversy as to the human impact on this, but denial that something is happening and it is serious is becoming rarer.
From a non-scientists perspective, it's hard for me to imagine that we can continue to dump massive amounts of pollution into the environment and then deny that it has any effect. As a rationalist, that makes no sense to me. How long can you flush your toilet into the basement of your house and continue to deny that that's why the place stinks?
I know the businesses in my state take it seriously. There are about a half dozen major ski areas here in my part of Vermont, and they for damn sure know something is happening to the climate. Their success or failure depends on having enough snow, and they know they can no longer depend on that happening naturally, despite having two winters back to back with great natural snow.