Very Good
by minimus 167 Replies latest jw friends
Very Good
He really needs to vett the candidates much better. I does look bad when so may people cheat or screw up their taxes in the 100's of thousands. Makes him look bad. However the Neo Cons stretch the reality way beyond just to revive the Repubs.
Too early to score anyone. The alternative to his success is devastating around the world, so why wish him to fail? Sour grapes from that "pill popper" I guess.
:How Do You Think President Obama's Doing?
I would say sidetracked. He's put too much emphasis on bipartisanship, and has made some major screw ups with some of his non-tax paying nominees.
It's nice to see him get back on message the past couple of days.
WAY too early to tell.......oompa....lets give it at least 6 months.......
Any think is better that the last clown we had running the show
The new Senate compromise stimulus package will turn out to be insufficient to jumpstart economy. A country that lost 600,000 job positions in one month doesn't need more tax cuts, but a bolder stimulus plan with more government spending on education, transportation, health care...
Even Sarkozy, not a liberal, has warned countries like the UK that tax cuts will do nothing for economic regeneration.
I'm really pleased so far.
He hit the ground running, and if the Republicans can get the hell out of the way, maybe we can get some money into the states and get people working again. I agree that the Republicans are off base thinking that tax cuts for the rich is the answer to every financial crisis.
I loved the wage cap for companies receiving federal funds, I'm glad we're no longer a country that tortures our POWs, and I'm relieved that we're closing our secret prisons, and some not so secret ones. I'm starting to feel proud that America is a leader again, and not the neighborhood psychopathic thug and bully.
For three weeks or so, what I see is amazing.
This question is like asking a some one how the relationship is going on the first date.
Republicans can get the hell out of the way
Where exactly are the republicans in the way?
So far lousy. He likes to make excuses for the ones who do not pay taxes. I can see finding one bad apple but not over and over and over again. Also, he likes to use scare tactics as far as this stimilus bill goes(if that is what they want to call it). It is more like a spending spree. He needs to take a course in economics 101 because what he has planned is not going to work. I can go on and on but whats the point. I wish him success but I have serious doubts.