Good question, and Calculating God is a good book. But I think from what I've studied for the last few years as I've left the Witnesses that I have to agree with JanH and FunkyD. And I think you've seen how your reasoning is really similar to the way the Witnesses always reasoned about God - everything in the natural world is so marvelous and complicated, so there must be a designer. It is an aspect of the type of reasoning that confuses the difference between an artifact (like a stone arrowhead) and a natural process (like photosynthesis). While the artifact definitely points to an intelligent designer, the natural process doesn't necessarily do that at all.
And I agree that what is being confused is cause and effect. We are the way we are, and the natural world is wonderfully suited to life on this planet, BECAUSE of the conditions on this planet, not vice versa. But there are still tons of things that don't work so well in the natural cycles, and those have been commented on in various posts here in the past.
I find myself feeling that where I would really like to believe that there is a god with a plan overseeing all of this universe, I now see that god is our own invention, humankind's creation to explain all the things that our emerging minds have found perplexing and frightening over the past few hundred thousand years, and then used by society as it organized itself on a larger and larger scale in order to keep people in line and society from dropping into chaos. Religion, when you look back, has simply been another tool to keep people under control.
There have always been some who have tried to move beyond the veil of superstition that is essentially what religion has been for thousands of years. There are many now - but I'm not sure if it's more than in the past. I know a number of well educated people who are substituting astrology or pagan religions for the more normal mainstream ones. I'm not talking about people who see drumming or ritual as important ways of expressing ourselves and connecting with the world in which we live - but about people who ACTUALLY BELIEVE that drumming will alter human consciousness and bring about a peaceful world, or that a festival ritual celebrating light in mid-December will REALLY be the reason the days start getting longer.
So, superstition and ignorance still seem to dominate in most cultures even today. Part of this is that I think we really do need a connection to our natural environment, a sense of our place in this world, a feeling of true spirituality - and that is where ritual and myth can be of huge help. Our problems lie when we start believing the myth as actual fact. It's what caused me to leave the Witnesses - being forced to believe things that obviously were not so.
The answer? Perhaps it lies in embracing ritual and myth for what they truely are - balms for the soul and spirit, a way to connect with our environment and one another, and not for what they are not - controllers of the physical universe - at the same time that we embrace what science can teach us. Once you take gods and demons out of the picture, it is just amazing how wonderous this universe we find ourselves in really is. This doesn't lessen the mystery and wonder, it multiplies it dramatically. There is a strong argument made by writer Paul Shepard that we are missing something we need as humans, because for the past ten thousand years we've moved away from the world we had evolved in over the previous million years. Reconnecting with the natural environment may be one of the most important parts of our evolution in the coming millenia.
And while some may say that cities and such are just as much a part of evolution as a forest, I think that is again a confusion of artifact (the city) with natural processes and systems - the forest and river and desert.
Just a few thoughts, if that was what you were looking for with this thread.