Is there a new breed of JW emerging, I wonder?
I know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, I think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.
This is what I think: Many of the long-serving JW's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years. In conversations I am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many JW's. These mildly rebellious types seem to still have a "love for Jehovah" but are choosing to listen to their own conscience. While not wishing to DA themselves, they appear to be quite happy to simply keep information out of the hands of the local elders.
A few examples: My Mum, dub for 50 years, happy to go on holiday with both DF'd sons, sees no need to inform anyone of this. Attends all the meetings.
My ex-father in law, dub for 40+ years now goes to Italy to reunions with WW2 ex-soldier compatriots, what he does is his business, he says. Attends all the meetings.
An old mate, still dubbing, born into it, now in his late 50's, abandoned by his JW wife, gets his leg over on a monthly basis. He sort of confesses by telling his PO that there are areas in his life that he's just cleaned up, then off he goes again. Bit like being a Catholic after confession almost. Attends all the meetings.
An old female friend, been a dub for 40 years, won't shun anyone, especially me, because she doesn't agree with it. Attends all the meetings.
The thing is that these are all folk who are reckoned to be strong dubs, we're not talking irregular publisher / attendee here, we are talking reasonably respected JW's.
Maybe this IS the start of mainstreaming!
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....