If a person decides not to join the JW religion, does it mean he is intelligent?
That's the point I've been making all along, Drearyweather.
One can find an answer, often by simply turning a question on its head. There are stupid people who are atheists--I know.
I dated a guy who was an idiot, and he didn't believe in God. Neither did a single member in his family. All of them college grads. But the son, turns out, not so smart--or honest or good, either. And he made an active decision not to be a JW or to believe in any type of God too.
Choosing to become a JW doesn't not make one instantly stupid, nor does deciding to avoid them guarantee intelligence.
Personal values, which religion is, is emotion. Intelligence plays little part in these type of choices.
Part of the reason some on this site may find this hard to swallow is that the Watchtower taught us that choosing religion was an intellectual choice, and that we were "intelligent" for seeing the "facts" and "choosing the Truth" and "reject false religion." Intelligence played no part. The Governing Body was merely toying with us.
In reality--and this may be hard for some of us to swallow--we were just being emotional about what we believed in. We may have used our smarts to get out (hopefully), but there again, we didn't instantly become college grads upon coming out of a cult.
And we left a cult, too. We might like to think that we left a religion behind, because it's easier to swallow. But we didn't leave a religion or religion in general behind. We left a cult.
Especially if we were raised in the JWs, we don't know what it is like to be in a religion and to have religious beliefs and to adopt or reject them. We know only how to be in a cult and to leave one, and that's very different. We may hate all religion (and that's our right), perhaps mainly because JWs taught us to do that, but we may have never been in a religion, just a cult.