My JW friends (a family) they seem pretty knowledgeable about the J Org and the Bible itself, like they actually read it for themselves and know the stores. I guess maybe the husband is an elder? He did part of the speaking at the service. But when i questioned the fact that we have no idea who translated NWT and that it is so different from every other Bible translation (that all others are alike) and we know the who the translators are and their degrees and schools, yet the NWT we have no idea if they even know Biblical Geek or Hebrew whats the logical outcome? Isnt that logical? And at that he said "yes it is logical, we can use the KJV and NASB". My guess is thats an uncommon response from a JW.
Also once when i spoke with the wife about how one is saved, she nailed it Biblically, " saved by grace thru faith, not of works" and we talked in detail about what the what the Biblical roll of works is, and James. And i was shocked she was right on. And that seems uncommon too from what i hear. Now if they really believe that i dont know? We even talked about someone that has true faith in God but goes back and forth hooked on drugs if she thinks such a person is saved and the said "yes", which i agree. That seems very much not like the JW view at all! But the service was all about works... And being perfect or pretty much God doesnt love you is the feeling i got.
They are mid-late 30s so maybe thats why? Both born in.