When I run into the JWs I always ask how the church is going. That gets the mind flying
Posts by Chook
What not to say...
by joey jojo inhey guys.
i was recently talking to a old friend who is a very active elder.
i was talking about ' the truth' and he suggested i sounded like an apostate because i used terms like ' the society' and ' watchtower '.. i am aware that ' dubspeak ' has changed over the years and i am pretty sure that someone posted about it here but i can't find the thread.
Sample Disassociation Letter please?
by LifesNotOver ini want to send a disassociation letter to the elders at my old congregation.
how do i address it and what wording do i use?
i know it's not something i have to do, it's symbolic for me.
February 26, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Witnessing in Public Places
by wifibandit infebruary 26, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: witnessing in public places.
february 25, 2017 to all congregations re: magnetic boards and posters for public witnessing.
Observations from an Ex-Elder Part 2 - Cart Work
by doubtfull1799 inup until i left recently i was participating in the cart work.
in the location where we used to set up near our local mall we never had one person stop and take literature or stop and chat - other than fellow brothers.
i thought maybe it was just a bad location or something.
Ask the attendant of the cart is it modelled after the first century carts, Also ask how many hours did first century Christians have to do preaching to qualify as a MS. Also ask could they imagine Jesus standing beside a cart not approaching people with the eternal hope. Also ask why Jesus not once mentioned the name Jehovah.
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Lots Of Whining And Complaining About Us JW's
by Deaconblues1914 inin reading these posts, it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the wt.
society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank.
jehovah has indeed blessed us.
you need to return to the body of elder and repent for associating and conversing with US apostates. Let's see the love pour on your soul from the Judical committee of window cleaners and painters who will roast you in Gehenna for your sins. We would prefer to only listen to your shit when you can explain to all us idiots how the over lapping generation fit in with all their other religious frauds. When you finish trying to encourage the ones on here to return to the religious molesters, repent for the emotional abuse we all on here know you in inflick on your family. You are of low human substance and may Tony Morris put a word in for you from his throne in heaven. Lucky we have computers because you are a waist of ink
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WT Society Creates the Atmosphere which Spawns Child Abuse in Congregations
by flipper inbeen thinking about this lately after almost 14 years out of the jw cult myself.
when you think of the language used within the jehovah's witness organization in such a closed society environment in how the wt society promotes almost absolute " trust " in the elders , the governing body, and trust even in the " friends " in the congregation themselves- is it any wonder that unscrupulous child molesters can enter any congregation pretending to be " spiritual " and take advantage of unsuspecting children or the parents ?
think about it : an individual is judged as a " spiritual " person within the jw organization based on what wt functions or duties they are good at performing.
I would like to genuinely know why the bible in all its hundreds of Laws and regulations does not mention once the crime of pedophiles. I've even heard Jws say when I pose this question that pedophiles didn't exist in Israel, Because they believe the modern children in cong aren't at danger, it's this point where mental denial takes place. Jah doesn't seem to issue any protective statutes
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Was There ANYTHING Positive That You Experienced Because of Being a JW?
by minimus inwas there anything positive about your jehovah's witness experience?.
My Introduction - An ex-elder's story of waking up later in life.
by doubtfull1799 inbackground:.
my parents got the “truth” while i was in primary school.
i was baptised at 14. i loved school and was extremely studious.
there are a lot of people on here like you which didn't like finding out TTATT, because it shattered their dreams, goals, relationships , All I can say is there is a lot of lost souls on this forum that need encouragement and support ,hang in there the journey will seem unforgiving. What friends you have or did have will disappear ,so find a hearing ear. Our forum friends will always listen and you will never be shunned here for your openness and honesty.
JWs and legalized Marijuana
by jws ini know this was probably covered before in some post, but i was curious.
what is the jw stance on recreational marijuana use in the states where it has been legalized?.
i would suspect smoking it, like cigarettes, would probably still be against the rules, but there are ways to use it that aren't damaging to your lungs.
The whole problem with government and church's they fail to understand that the human body has cannabinoid receptors that only the marijuana plant can activate or satisfy. Its health benefits out weigh any negative affects. when I was still going to meetings I was consuming marijuana edibles for a health problem ,which I fully cured my problem of going to toilet 3or4 times a night, this problem existed for years ,after one month fixed. Every human has the right to self medicate.
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A picture is worth a thousand words
by Sour Grapes ini just love this picture that i saw on a post from yesterday.
i am the guy in the middle.
my wife and her family are under the umbrellas.