i can go for long periods without a drink , but when I drink I can't or find it very difficult to stop. ( like the old saying 1 to many and 100 not enough) I think man has had this problem a long time ,Noah and Lot were thirsty men at times. You can PM if you need a hearing ear, I have my demons with medical marijuana, I find it better than losing my memory when drunk. I've can get little bit ADHD which I find the cannabis settles. If you can find a good support friend outside of your household they will be invaluable. As humans we are trying to live with childhood emotional pain , disappointments from church , our own failings, we can only heal when we love ourselves . It's only us that we can change and ONLY if you want change. I can't say I will never drink again because I would lying to myself ( based on my track record) . Just a day at a time trying to work out the most peaceful course.