Their help system is priority based on church positions. If the COs cars broke down , well their would be ample funds and assistance, but if some old half crazy sister with no family had money problems, they would often overlook the needs of these fringe sisters or brothers ,you know the eccentric ones. If charity starts at home then the Jw church is fundamentally lacking.
When it comes to give and take, all people have a limit to how much return of good deeds they dish out based on a whole give and take relationship. All relationships are give and take, it's all about tolerance . I generally think you can't go wrong doing something nice for someone who don't have the ability to repay. If we give and expect to get back the equivalent, your going to have a miserable life.
As to JWs and there help amongst themselves , I don't think it would be any better than belonging to your local 4wd club. The biggest problem with the JWs is the church extracts all the free time for theocratic activities , so the average Jw is so overwhelmed with work and family chores then in their mind believe going to the meetings is not negotiable so we have a person that believes they are serving god but have no time to give outside their comfort zones. Remember 5 meetings of brainwashing week in week out leaves no room for self examination.