How would they bring back the dead from no blood and suicides .
Posts by Chook
Hypothetical: If WTS Reformed...?
by Cold Steel inas i said in the subject line, this is purely hypothetical.
what do you think would happen if the wtbts leaders decided to reboot some of the organization's more controversial practices.
not that they would deny their claims to be jehovah's earthly representatives, nor the key elements of their eschatology; but in administrative outlooks.
Faith healing?
by Knowsnothing ini haven't been on for quite some time, but i was wondering if you could dispel this for me.
there's also video of him in which a woman claims to have been visually impaired and was healed.
Watchtower practices faith healing when they disfellowship our sorry arses for apostasy.
WOW - 18 Elders in ONE congregation!!!
by The Searcher inhazel grove congregation in stockport, cheshire, u.k.. not only is the congregation saturated with elders, it is/was pretty well saturated with cash - according to its 2014 financial statement to the charities commission.
its elders are listed as frank broadhurst, nick ashton, nigel bailey, noel crossley, peter davies.
The most dangerous congs are the ones with few elders, the power trip is beyond belief with some of these guys, no different from the crusades the clergy thought god was with them. The most dangerous men all throughout history have thought god was directing them.
Which Org 'directives' did you blatantly ignore
by Tallon ini remember that we were always encouraged to let everyone at work know that you were one of jw's and therefore would not participate in any of their functions, parties etc.. this i outrightly refused to do.
my reasoning was that i was employed and paid to do a job and therefore my religious beliefs were a personal matter and therefore had nothing to do with my work.
secondly i had to work with these people.
I forgot the big one not reading apostate sites. It could be argued that Simon has gods blessings by securing ®istering the site name Jehovah's Witness. com
I found my wifes new blood card
by Steel ini would like to say i am not in and my wife is a marginal witness at best.
she doesn't say anything bad about the borg or live an amoral lifestyle.
she just doesn't read the bible, or even the tracts anymore and generally has no clue about anything biblical or doctorial related.. i found my wives new card yesterday.
If you say your wife is not that interested then burn it in front of her and she probably won't replace it.
Which Org 'directives' did you blatantly ignore
by Tallon ini remember that we were always encouraged to let everyone at work know that you were one of jw's and therefore would not participate in any of their functions, parties etc.. this i outrightly refused to do.
my reasoning was that i was employed and paid to do a job and therefore my religious beliefs were a personal matter and therefore had nothing to do with my work.
secondly i had to work with these people.
I let my kids join soccer team, but I should of done it for more years than I did.
CO visit... Circuit is not growing at all, he said during midweek meeting
by StarTrekAngel inso that was a "shocker".
i was not able to attend the meeting.
i had a more important one with my other apostate friends in the area.
I think even if they gave up on the preaching work and meetings they would still shrink as a religion , because no one is going to join a church without googling it, that when the penny will drop. The internet is its death nail. Only recruits will be born in affected cult members, I feel so sad for those born in, there's no comparison to what is normal.
Spain: A group of elder requires clarification to Ministry of Justice regarding sexual molestors
by sp74bb inletter sent today to the ministry of justice... .
spain bethel sent a letter recently last oct 3 interpreting that no elder or sm should request a certificate of sexual offenses as other churches or persons in contact with kids.
again interprets the law to their behalf.. a group of elders in madrid has sent this letter to ask clarification !!.
I think as the cult unravels there will come to be more and more of this breaking away from mother , especially when elders know of the cracks in the church , remember all of us rebelled against the church. I am still unsure of their motives in Spain , I would hate to fight from within org because it still consumes your time. Detachment from the org is the only healing.
dealing with religion after leaving the witnesses
by joker ini’ve noticed many people posting on this site seem to have completely given up on religion/spirituality.. but some have attended services at another religion, or just follow their own heart regarding what to believe.. my question is how does anyone deal after leaving with all of the witness crap that we believed about babylon the great, the great harlot, spiritual prostitute, etc., etc.
i’m finding out that i seem to have built myself a pretty solid wall regarding religion.. some people can just chuck all beliefs into one basket saying that they are all basically garbage,,, and that is ok, no problem i respect that.. but for myself there is a certain part of my personality that needs a spiritual belief not like the witnesses in any way, but something to meditate on, and contemplate.. being a witness taught me how bad it is to actually think of god in any other way besides what the jw’s believe.
and now when i attend any other service, the dark jw side seems to pop out and seriously makes me believe that everything i see/do/say is wrong.
My mothers side is real religious catholic , my brother is a priest, for me it's just one of those things that get imprinted from a young age . It maybe from a lack of education or knowledge but the " what I consider better" option for me is that their is pretty good design in my surroundings, so god creator lord is easier for my mind. There is just to many unanswered questions which I don't think any holy person has the answers for, and the bible is just plain to complex for my mind and the God in there should have written a less complex book. The stories are crazy in the black book, but then again if I was writing it , it could of turned in that direction. If God cares he just has a strange way of showing it.
Women's Place In Jehovah's Arrangement
by TMS in"i do not permit a woman to teach or to exercize authority over a man, but to be in silence.
" these inspired words are frequently quoted to help define the role of women among jehovah's witnesses.
then eve.
A woman place is made very clear in the memo sent out to elders which informed them that no sister could help bind an elders book yet a wordly man could. All JW wives of elder need to ask their husbands " is a Worldy man more trustworthy than a JW sister".