I wonder why the apostle Paul warned against taking a brother to court. But the idiots in bethel have no crime that's why we don't need judicial committees.
Posts by Chook
WT Quote of the Day
by berrygerry inwt jan 15, 1985. these loyal subjects of god’s government have no crime problem among themselves, .
I want to know what celebrations JWs don't consider pagan?
by Chook ini could only think of weddings and wedding anniversaries .
Simon and co need to establish a celebration date for a universal cult freedom date.
I want to know what celebrations JWs don't consider pagan?
by Chook ini could only think of weddings and wedding anniversaries .
I could only think of weddings and wedding anniversaries
In a hypothetical situation where all brothers were prisoned a sister could take the watchtower but only with a scarf on her head so she didn't offend heaven.
How do the GB micro-manage people's lives today?
by UnshackleTheChains inhow do the gb micro-manage people's lives today?one example is their micro management in dress and grooming.
eg their view of beards.
elders in most congs will take a brother to a corner and remind him why jws don't grow beards.
Everything in a JWs life has tried to be influenced by head office. They even show how some poor bastard has to dress and groom to visit bethel. They try and manage where people sit in the hall eg babies at the back, elderly on the floor at assemblies, they even tried to manage the car park at our old hall. All abusive relationships are about control, the mothership of Warwick has no bounds on suggestive control techniques. That's why meekness is pursued, there is less commotion as they file for the slaughter house.
Huffington Post: When Is A Religion 'Extremist'? [Food for thought!]
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/when-is-a-religion-extremist_us_590de8e3e4b046ea176aeb98.
tim rymel, m.ed.. governments who support “religious freedom” over the equal human rights and dignity of others condone, and even endorse discrimination.. 05/06/2017 11:27 am et | photo – flickr/ justin kern .
government endorsement of any religious ideology creates religious extremism.
When Muslim extremists proform "honour " killings of their daughters for dating outsiders it has correlations to JWs symbolically cutting off or disfellowshipping their daughters who marry in another church. Extremist JWs would gladly slaughter their daughter for worshipping Baal, if they believed they were pleasing Jah.
Which Watchtower publications did you keep?
by Schnufti ini'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
I only kept the ones that promoted community work which equates to zero.
Want to read a surprising comment/complaint posted on my website about JW's encouraged not to have kids. Who would have thought!
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://watchtowerdocuments.org/did-you-know-having-children/#comment-474.
here's the short article found in the "did you know?
" series found on watchtower documents, and, underneath it, is the unusual comment:.
I know this may seem strange but I think the physiological toll of not having children comes in the form of not being missed by someone when you die. Just the thought of leaving your possessions to no one must haunt these old ladies. Just to get some karma the old girls should get their the funeral costs forwarded to bethel with the explanation that their donations in the box was her funeral plan.
Saudi Man Sentenced To Death For Atheism
by Bangalore insaudi man sentenced to death for atheism.. http://www.newsweek.com/saudi-man-sentenced-death-after-declaring-himself-atheist-online-video-591473.
Ancient Israel practiced similar verdicts. Imagine if GB ruled world , death would apply to not believing overlapping bullshit.
Different Types Of Abuse
by Amanda Moore inthere is alot if press here in australua on the royal commission about child abuse in the jw faith.
however that is just one type of abuse, abuse can be physical or mental, we tend to forget about the various types of mental abuse in the jw faith.
my story is not unique and apologies for grammar etc.. my father and mother emigrated to perth australia many decades ago when i was very young.
Welcome Amanda
its our friends on here who can really empathise because we all sailed a similar boat. The abuse came in all forms, we were brain washed in cult tactics but on the bright side we survived even if a little battered. Again welcome
Chook .vic Australia