I would ask can someone ask GB for the electronic transfer of a few hundred bucks so our family can pay our heating bills and grandma needs some medication, go on to explain that you don't like asking but we have given plenty to the Jw cause in the past. You could even word it as a loan just like they ask for loans and remind them about doing to the least of christs brothers . Your chance of receiving cash is equivalent to being invited to their Wednesday smorgasbord.
Posts by Chook
Online Donations for Conventions
by Funchback inhttps://www.jw.org/en/whats-new/online-convention-donations/.
online donations for conventions.
donations to support the annual conventions of jehovah’s witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries.
Interesting Take on Vows
by konceptual99 inso yesterday was the wt on vows.. it spoke, in part about two vows.
the vow you make in dedication and the vow of marriage.
here's how it describes them.. the most important vow that a christian can make is the one with which he dedicates his life to jehovah.
It just shows the GB have the blood of these kids on their hands , when these kids leave the church and the sanctions take affect it can only be described as one effective way to destroy the fabric of a family.
Family dynamics and cult influence
by longgone inthe following incident is nothing unusual to any jw, but i wanted to add on to the list of reasons to never join, and sympathize with those stuck in it, and again a reminder that you can never get away from the mayhem when you have family still in.
in a recent conversation with my jw sister who i love very much, i was reminded how complex and abnormal relationships can become within a jehovah's witness family.families relationships can be difficult with any religion or none, but once we throw in the various labels and restrictions within the jw family it becomes really cultish.
no one outside it could begin to understand.
And then they say we don't have clergy class, our bishops at Warwick have class distinctions all the way down to the bed night stories the children brainwashed with.
I took a Watchtower Rag !
by Phizzy ini accepted a wt mag/rag from a bro i have known for decades just to be polite.
i asked him if he would like my comments on it sometime, he said he would listen, (yea maybe he will hear, but not really listen and absorb what i have to say.).
the interesting thing is, they are getting better, the borg,there was only one "half quote" where they select what they want from a source, and ignore the rest of what the source says.. and only one blatant lie.. it was the mag about the 4 horsemen, and a supplementary article makes the false claim that " archaeology repeatedly supports the bible's historical accuracy".. this is typical jw borg propaganda speak.
They'll probably want to Bluetooth the mag to public in future, then I'll have to start buying toilet paper.
Great Theramin Trees video! "Becoming Fools" (JW focus)
by stuckinarut2 inbecoming fools... enjoy!.
That video has rockstar status!
Will there ever be an apology from GB for going beyond what's written ?
by Chook injust a simple " we are sorry " .
Just a simple " we are sorry " .
JWs and Pacifism
by pale.emperor inpacifismˈpasɪfɪz(ə)mnoun: pacifismthe belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.. .
one thing that always irked me as a witness was their pacifism.
i totally agree that non violence is a wonderful way to live, but at the same time whenever i'd read or watch something about nazi germany i always thought being a pacifist in that environment wouldn't work.
Remember JW praise the death of the two immorals in the tent that got stabbed in the genitals. They praise violence when it suits their religious agenda, remember don't shed a tear for a DF persons death.
Wanting Less Involvement (long newbie story)
by DepthsResounding ini was raised a jw and am currently pioneer in a foreign language congregation.
i have been unhappy on and off with my involvement in this religion and am ready to step back again.
growing up i was always active but extremely reserved and a low hour publisher.
It's only a choice you can make as to what pasture you feed at , but our friends on here got heartburn from the spiritual food dished out by GB. With time you will see the light , we all wish you well.
Whats in it for them?
by Moster ini have been out for nearly 40 years now - baptized at 14 (although not to the org), but faded away.
but i am wondering about this:.
aside from the obvious power they wield, what's is in it for the gb?
Can you envision 8 million bowing before big Tony and mr Lett , these guys are having their fill now. They out rank all Judical procedures and fly the world as religious rockstars.
A "Simple Life": Who's Footing the Bill?
by thebrokenkite inafter much lurking and even sporadic posting under an alias account, i've decided to come out of the "apostate" shadows.
this month marks my 1-year disfellowshipping anniversary.
it's been a long, arduous journey, one that nearly took my life.
Again welcome, there seems to be a steady stream of newly annointed apostates, as to welfare the GB are at the receiving end of robbing the widows mite. May your life be blessed .Cheers Chook