We were forever told to not stumble anyone but looking back it would of been their blessing if the stumbled out.ll
Posts by Chook
Has anyone on here " stumbled " any one out of JWs
by Chook inwe were forever told to not stumble anyone but looking back it would of been their blessing if the stumbled out.ll.
Some prayers really annoy me
by stillin ini realize that prayer is a really personal thing, but representing a group in prayer has become so full of cliche's that i just want to vomit sometimes.
co week almost every prayer has the phrase "special week of activity" in it.. then there's "please look after the sick and afflicted.".
not so much anymore, "please bless this food and the hands that prepared it.".
I only have a problem with prayers that start with " dear" and end in " amen".
What did NOT get you out?
by problemaddict 2 ini realize this is odd, but a "how you woke up" thread and the personal stories that are told which i know we all enjoy, made me think of this.
in helping my wife and a couple others get the ball rolling, i realized the thing that resonated with me, didn't even move the needle with them.
i wanted to rail on and on about blood, because that was my conduit to waking up, but for my wife it was about shunning.
Corruption in the elder body.
I Give Up!
by pale.emperor inim giving up guys.
i've reached the end of my patience and now i finally refuse to waste any more time on part-time witnesses.
i've text all of my active jw family members and told them to delete my number from their phone and never contact me again.
You can be my brother Pale , talking to Jws as a general rule is totally futile , there exist friends who stick closer than a brother say the black book.
What Did You Imagine Jehovah To Look Like?
by pale.emperor inwhat did you imagine jehovah to look like?
i always pictured him like this:.
The bible says we are made in his image , so I depends on who we are looking at , was bro Lett made in gods image the we have a problem Houston.
How did you overcome feelings of lost time in the Org?
by Skepsis ini'm a very positive person who always try to focus on the good side of things.. however, my fading is becoming increasingly painful and i'm starting being shunned by some i thought were friends.
i'm missing some meetings so the rumour is spreading to neighbouring congregations where i'm known that i'm not as spiritual as i used to be.
elders want to have a shepherding meeting with me.
I try and make up for lost time by doing all the Jw forbidden hobbies and sports. Actually just returning to the Catholic kid of my childhood. Just a normal neighbour not interested in WT sales people's on Saturdays. I try not to get to disappointed in my cult course I took. I actually like being an apostate ,I think I found my calling helping ones leave JWs or preventing them joining .
Wow i do not reconize this religion anymore...
by _Morpheus inhad the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
Their digital marketing will bite them in the arse. I honestly believe the new digital format will genuinely wake some up, But most follow the chariot where ever the GB steer their cult affected minds
The GB members of the Watchtower Corporation are cunning decisive crooks
by Finkelstein ini think its now easy see the long standing and continuous operation of the watchtower corporation and its commercialized corruption as a religious publishing house.
the core centralized intent was to increase the circulation and distribution of the wts's own publications.
they exploited the basic belief in the bible as holy spiritual writings and used the end is near proclamation all throughout the 20th century and even back toward the end of the 19th century.. these leaders also devised special engaging public talks at assemblies and local kingdom halls which were also devised to support those specific core doctrines of christ's return and a imposing question of who's worthy of being saved or not at the soon to come day of judgment armageddon.
Of all the humans alive the ones chosen by God himself are brother Lett and his mates , it doesn't bode well for Jah intelligence. The combined IQ of GB would be flat out kindergarten grade.
There is no Holy Spirit.
by hoser inthere is no holy spirit.
i lead a double life.
i post on apostate web sites, swear like a sailor, covertly subvert the watchtower religion and do many other things i'd rather not mention.
I got told by an elder I was grieving gods holyspirit, then I said if my wife is in agreement with me is she grieving it to which he replied yes. There you go , Jw clergy class can tell the flow of spirit . It's all a case of boogie man stories.
What is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?
by stuckinarut2 inwe all need to earn a living.... so just curious, what is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?.
I pioneered ,pay was shit , customers were shit , boss was shit , no retirement fund , got the sack when I didn't conform to company policies.