Plan your future and how your going to obtain it. When your old enough tell your parents that you want a good job so you have to work less hours so you can pioneer. In order to do this you’d like to take some college courses at a cumunity college. If that doesn’t work at least get a job then work your way forward to obtain your next goal. Set weekly monthly and yearly goals . Intime as you achieve your goals you’ll be able to get out and away and be able to have the freedom to persue what you want to do.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy2
Please help.... depressed jw teen
by huniepie ini think i’m going insane.... i’m 17 years old and being raised in a jw household.
i really want friends and a boyfriend but i can’t have that because my parents are jw and i’m also homeschooled.
they are those jw parents that refuse to let me go to public school because of bad influences.
There are many and a few have been on this site as well as exjw reddit. I am one but will remain anonymous do to family still being in and me not being dfd. Just found out that an elder that dfd my friends ex wife is no longer in and he the elder and his wife are now divorced. Tons of people waking up and it’s so true that family or relationships are most likely the reasons people stay.
I think I made up my mind
by paradiseseeker ina month ago i travelled alone to italy for three days and i had the opportunity to visit the beautiful florence and re-visit many parts of rome.. but most importantly, i had the opportunity to stay alone and think about my situation and to make up my mind.. i've had very clear for almost 5 years that i will eventually leave the religion, but i couldn't decide when.. but now i know : i will leave on april 20th, the day after the memorial.. that day i will talk to my parents (this is by far the hardest thing to do) and soon afterwards i will talk to my closest friends, then i will send my disassociation letter.
i know that i will let them down, i will hurt them, most probably some of them will cry... but i need to live coherently for the first time in my life.
i'm sure that living in this contradiction is affecting and will affect my mental health and it's time for me to help myself instead of others.
I would not DA instead just stop going , if you DA your parents and your friends will probably never talk to you again.
It doesn’t make Sense
by HappyBlessedFree inso my husband and i had a long conversation last night about why i no longer believe.
this is our 10th conversation about all the same things which we have been talking about for the last four months.. he says “you have let yourself be deceived”.
i try my best to show him my sincerity in my motives.
Just ask him why a religion started by a guy that predicted Armageddon and then confirmed it by saying he measured the inside of a pyramid is God’s one and true religion??
Who is The Lord?
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses believe that only the father is lord god, however by searching the scriptures we can identify that there are more than one person in the godhead, and the lord jesus as well as the holy spirit are lord.. for those who are interested in learning, feel free to watch this new video..
The Bible was changed time and time again to first promote Jesus as god then to promote him as part of the trinity. They even changed the Old Testament to imply this deity to be the coming messiah. The gospel of Mathew was written to help connect the dots between the messiah of the Old Testament to this new messiah Jesus. Unfortunately he made mistakes like Mathew 1:22 where by Jesus would be born of a Virgin and be called Emmanuel. Read Isaiah 7:14 and you’ll find the prophecy yet go back and read the whole chapter of 7 and you’ll see it has nothing to do with a coming messiah of the first century but of a child born during Ahaz time and what is to happen to Ahaz.
The subtle , yet massive change of Matt 5:32 in the "New" New World Translation
by stuckinarut2 inso i noticed this change in the text of the new silver nwt compared to the older nwt at matthew 5:32. old nwt:.
"however, i say to you that everyone divorcing his wife , except on the grounds of fornication makes her a subject for adultery...etc" .
new nwt:.
Wasn’t the word fornication traced to a Roman word meaning prostitution. So if my understanding is correct fornicating would be visiting a prostitute.
Preparing the sheeple for finally abandoning the significance of 1914
by under the radar inwe all know the society would love to get rid of all the problems caused by clinging to 1914 and all they claimed it meant for the last 100+ years.. it looks like they are laying the groundwork for easing away from the whole concept of 1914. this would also let them do away with the ridiculous "overlapping generation" bullcrap.
what a diaper load that has been.... anyway, the following is from their super secret marching orders for april, 2019. draw your own conclusions.... "3.
“100 years of faithfulness”: the coordinator of the body of elders, or another elder, should be invited to read the following special announcement.
Sounds like their digging thier heals in to me!
Today’s bible study, how to blow one of their doctrines using just one verse.
by Crazyguy2 inat the talk today the speaker was bloveating about paradise and how we will need to teach the ones being resurrected gods ways.
ofcourse we all know that the resurrection will start just a few years after the big a so that everyone can be taught the truth and the big j’s ways before satan is released at the end of the thousand years to test everyone after of course they have grown to perfection and then can truly be tested as perfect as adam.
revelations chapter 20 starting in verse 4 thier bible but notice verse 5 ; and i saw thrones and those who sat on them were given authority to judge.
At the talk today the speaker was bloveating about paradise and how we will need to teach the ones being resurrected gods ways. Ofcourse we all know that the resurrection will start just a few years after the big A so that everyone can be taught the truth and the big J’s ways before Satan is released at the end of the thousand years to test everyone after of course they have grown to perfection and then can truly be tested as perfect as Adam.
Revelations chapter 20 starting in verse 4 thier bible but notice verse 5 ; And I saw thrones and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes I saw souls of those executed for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about god, and those who had not worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand. And they came to life and ruled as kings with Christ for 1000 years. 5 (The rest of the Dead did not come to life until the 1000 years were ended .)
And that concludes today’s bible lesson including some TTATT.
Watchtower Orders Another Hit
by Sea Breeze inaccording to a recent filing, the watchtower has ordered reddit to give them the name of one of their posters who has used their right of free speech.
they are calling it copyright infringement.
but, we all know this is just another routine "hit" ordered by the watchtower mafia.
Since Reddit owner is married to Serina Williams a JW, wonder how long it will be before they go to him and ask if he’ll shut down the Reddit exjw community?!
Greetings to all
by Dmitry inmy name is dmitry!
(i apologize for my english.
i am from ukraine and wanted to expand communication with exjw.. well, what about yourself?
How goes the JWs in Ukraine are they leaving like crazy?