"Self-Driving vehicles and delivery robots - why?" Well , they exist because we can.
We are intelligent as human beings enough to make them a reality , Corporations use technology to make money, in the near future only a very LOW PERCENTAGE of population will have a skill not replicated cheaply by a machine/robot/computer/automation systems.
The first tec revolution was in agriculture, heavy industry ,recently in manufacturing,services , finance, everywhere. Thats the main reason the unemployment will realistically never go down.IF they will be all professions in the future I imagine? Ofc , only in a FRACTION of the values they were
The problem is not technology , unless we want to go back to live in caves , without plastic/electricity/etc etc etc.
The problem is people are not aware enough to make happen a new fair redistribution of wealth, because in the end , what good is to have a MIRACLE TEC , if only 4/5 people benefit from it , while everybody else around them despairs?
The patent systems as they are at the moment are a scam, they don't promote science innovation al ALL, instead protect the corporations that exploit and enslave populations using politicians FOR PROFIT of a few.
Take Care