JoinedPosts by Clearview
How do the r&f not see what's going on here? I mean, its not even a picture of a kid with money going into the maze, its just a picture of a f*****g hand holding out money. How much more blatant can they get? They might as well just come out and say "We don't care about you, just put your money in the box, spend all your time trying to find other people to put money in the box, and don't complain about it". -
Where's my invitation to the Memorial? What the hell!
by ToesUp ina carload of jw's worked our street today.
obviously they are doing the invites to the memorial.
of course, we didn't answer.. 1 ring, 2 seconds at the door (that's all we get?
I found mine in my door today. I carefully wadded it up and placed it in the garbage can, but not before noting the time and date of the memorial so that when that time and date comes, I can reflect on how happy I am to not be sitting there listening to some idiot drone on about nothing. -
CRA screwup for WT Canada?
by berrygerry inokay, they've posted their 2015 return - i am very confused..
Marking this thread, can't wait to see if the info is accurate or an error on the gov. website. -
Evolution is a Fact #28 - Something Darwin Didn't Say
by cofty inone of my friends posted an inspirational picture on facebook this morning.
even before i checked i knew that it was a fictional quote.
it was written by somebody who has not grasped a basic fact about evolution.. darwin did not say this.... it is a common misunderstanding that evolution favours individuals who are able to adapt to their environment.
Another awesome thread, thanks cofty :) -
I can't just walk away, I need to keep reinforcing what I did was right (Leaving the org)
by pleaseresearch inwhen i speak to my mum about things, she says why do you keep looking on the internet and news etc... why don't you just live your life and forget what you learned growing up.. maybe i was so so indoctrinated as a child that even though i have woken up and learnt ttatt, i still need to keep up to date with new findings from ex and fellow brothers and sisters.
listening to their testimony about why they left.. this was to me and all of you i'm sure, the truth.
so to finally wake up is absolutely massive.
Same here. Although I've been out for almost 9 years, I like to stick around here and keep up on things because my parents are still in, and some of the guilt of them thinking they're going to lose me "soon" is a bit of a cloud over my conscience sometimes. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does.
I'm waiting for the silver bullet of information that might wake my parents up. I don't have a lot to add so I mostly lurk here.
Part of me also wants to watch as this worthless cult crumbles to the ground. -
Evolution is a Fact #27 - Monkeys, Typewriters, Shakespeare, 747s etc.
by cofty inmost creationist arguments can be summarised as "complexity, complexity, complexity - therefore god".
we have all heard the illustrations about the odds of (insert favourite example) evolving, being less than 10,000 monkeys typing macbeth by pure chance.
evolution is not like that.
I've been following (lurking) this series closely. Best one yet! -
Another one bites the dust...
by StarTrekAngel inso despite glimpses of hope here and there, the wife is just not seeing this cult for what it is.. so who is the one the bit the dust?
i've not been feeling so well lately.
a bit of lightheadedness.
I usually just lurk here and don't comment very often, but I had to sign in to say that I feel for you man. That kind of anxiety and stress is the worst. I know the exact feeling in your chest that you describe, and the depression, though mine was from a really stressful job. As soon as I left that job (got laid off - best day of my life) my condition magically disappeared within a month, but it does come back once in a while when I get stressed out, and the situation you're in is exactly the type of stress that triggers it. I don't really have any advice, I just wanted to say that I can relate and I know exactly how you feel. I hope that somehow soon you're not under so much pressure, nobody should have to live like that. Stupid damn cult, free to leave, my ass! -
What was your ''the last straw that broke the camels back'' moment
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthere is a limit to how much straw (long yellow grass) a camel can carry on its back.
if you keep putting more straw on top, it will finally break the camel's back.
when you are at the last straw you are finally angry and will not take any more.. my moment (to stop attending all watchtower meetings) was after the harsh treatment from the elders and fellow congregation members of my second cousin who was disfellowhipped as a teenager.
Mine was in 2008 at the summer 3 day assembly. It was actually a chain of events during that assembly that made me finally say eff this Org.
My wife at the time and I were already having serious doubts and basically leading a double life because we wanted a little freedom, but we still mostly believed and tried to do what we thought was right.
My wife had back problems even though she was only 23 due to arthritis which led to a slipped disc injury at work. Either sitting or standing for long periods of time were difficult for her so we needed to sit somewhere she could get up and walk around very frequently. We decided to sit up in the nosebleed section so we could find aisle seats but unfortunately they were all taken. Now, this was one of those conventions where they put that stupid yellow tape up to block off sections of seating for no apparent reason. The yellow tape at the top was right up against the backs of the last row of seats so I just flipped it over the back of them and we sat there.
Well about ten minutes later, along comes an attendant asking what we were doing and why we were sitting there. I explained the situation and he told us we would have to move, then he proceeded to ask the guy on row down if he could go find another seat so we could sit there!
After the guy moved and we were settled in, the attendant came back and said, "So I need to ask you, how did you hurt your back?". It was apparent from his tone that he didn't believe us and was trying to figure out if we were lying. I held my tongue and let my wife explain.
So the last day after lunch my wife just couldn't deal with going up and down stairs anymore, so we decided to sit on the walkway that goes around the stadium, the spot where the elderly and disabled sometimes sit. There was a stack of plastic school-type chairs and probably 8-10 elderly ones sitting on those chairs in that area so I figured it would be fine for us to sit there, the walkway was 20 feet wide, plenty of room, we wouldn't be in the way.
Over the next hour or so I started noticing unapproving glances from attendants as they walked by, kinda wondered what that was about but continued listening to the program.
After a while it was almost time for the drama to start, so we both got up to use the restroom. When we got back, our chairs were gone and the stack of chars had been moved around a corner out of sight. This pissed me off and I realized what the looks from attendants had been about. I grabbed two of the chairs and put them back where we were sitting and sat down.
The drama was the final straw. I'm pretty sure this was in 2008 but not 100% sure. Anyways the drama was about a kid in his late teens who had a chance to get his dream job of being a video game developer. The whole thing was just one big guilt trip to the kid about how he should be putting J-ho first. The kid in the drama even set his work schedule so he could make all the meetings and service every week, but by the end of it his parents had convinced him to give up on his dream and be a pioneer because things of this world will never pay off.
That was it, during the applause after the drama, I turned to my wife, said "we're leaving", got up and walked out. The bulk of my doubts were from the way eldubs and other certain people acted in the first place, and this assembly just sealed the deal.
Here we were trying to tough through health problems, using the only real extra money we would have all summer, my vacation days from work, for what? To be accused of lying and told were not allowed to have any sort of a life? Nope, no thanks.
After that, any meetings or assemblies I went to were to appease family and I was completely mentally out.
For the Supporters of Those Who Love Jehovah
by lovesjehovah ini am jehovah's witness, despite some of the questionable teachings, crimes, and other outlandish behaviors of specific people affiliated with the religion.
i know that my relationship with jehovah is not influenced by any outside factors.
i do not condone any crime.
You know what I love about Jehovah?
God is love,
Love does not get jealous,
God is a jealous God.
I just love how he can be a blaring contradiction like that, how awe inspiring.
by wannaexit ini was at the one day assembly and the bethel speaker in talking about governing body member klein -referred to him as our king.
wonder if governing body members will be so presumptuous to expect this title from the rank and file?.
Wow. I had to come out of lurker mode for this one. Isn't Jesus supposed to be king? Just more proof of the GB usurping JC for the $$$. Just wow. And from a bethelite as well. Too bad you don't have a recording.