Posts by Jayk
Casting Out DEMONS
by Cold Steel inif someone believes they're being plagued with demons or they have problems with hauntings, things moving by themselves or hearing voices or footsteps, who they gonna call?
i know they take demons very seriously, so who in the congregation do they go to when they need to bring out the big guns?
do they try to handle it themselves or is this a job for the elders?
My mom was very over protective of us growing up. We knew of a few very crazy things that had gone on with close family friends. -
Was It Really Mental Illness or Was It The Demons?
by minimus inwe supposedly had more than a few “demonized” people in our congregation.
they would hear voices or feel internal punishment within their souls.
the answer was always—-these people were affected by the demons and they needed counseling!.
I've heard a story of a real exorcism not from a JW. Kinda nuts but it sounded legit like the movie minus alot of the head spinning. Supposedly they stopped knowing the demon would try to kill her while leaving the body so they had her committed or something like that. The story was told to me by a women who heard it from the pastors wife who helped her husband with it. She said the pastors wife told her that on one of many sessions the possed lady would be hitting on the pastor or his wife saying some really dirty stuff. -
Jehovah uses the government to discipline his people
by StephaneLaliberte ini had a conversation with my dad concerning the legal cases the jws are loosing and how their policies are still lacking.
he answered that he has confidence that jehovah will give his people the wisdom and discernment necessary to make the changes.
i then explained that most of the improvements were made as a result of various court cases, including the australian commission.. my dad: well, than, jehovah uses the governments to discipline his people just like he did with the jews.
Never knew about a break away group. I've heard weird things about ww2 and not that believe any but I've heard some pretty convincing stories. But the one thing that makes the most sense to me is "its the winners that write history" -
Was It Really Mental Illness or Was It The Demons?
by minimus inwe supposedly had more than a few “demonized” people in our congregation.
they would hear voices or feel internal punishment within their souls.
the answer was always—-these people were affected by the demons and they needed counseling!.
When my mom was disfellowshipped I kissed this girl from my hall (made out). I told my little brother and news got back to her uncle who was a elder. I got pulled into the back by myself when I was 13 and talked to by a brother who said "we need to have a talk soon". My mom left the meeting early, but when I got home and told her what happened (I didn't realise the wrong, that the brother should have went to my mom first) she already knew what happened. She never made me go to the elders meeting because all we did was kiss nothing else. But my friend got her privileges taken away because she was a pioneer but not baptized yet or something like that. -
The Governing Body Doing The Math As Corporate CEOs
by Brokeback Watchtower inlett announce to his braindead indoctrinated rank and file masses the wt corporation is short on funds and so they have money problems.
he made light of his role and the rest of management's predicament by saying on a public broadcast: "in doing the math we found that the amount of money flowing out will be much greater than the amount of money coming in at this time".
clearly the guys on the gb have very little business sense to let things get so out of hand with tons of projects in the works and having to close all of them except for warwick, and one in england.. i have to wonder just what type of math these dead heads on the gb even know or consider when making all their plans for the future of the corporation they have leadership over.
Right now they probably save alot of money because of social media and jw.or. they don't have to make as many publication, they can just give someone a jw.or card and send them to the website.. realisticly they're probably doing something dirty and now are trying to make up for it. I have a family member who makes about 200k a year helping people handle there retirement who is currently a witness. He could probably tell them whats going on real fast. -
No more official visits to disfellowshipped & disassociated ones
by AverageJoe1 innew letter today (please visit for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
Just from my experience my mom was never checked up on while DF and we went almost a full year once without going to a meeting. But its not like she went MIA, my brothers I still got invited to stuff. My brother brought it up recently and my mom acted like it was only a couple months but it wax at least 6 months my brother and I both agreed on. -
Family events (getting old)
by Jayk inthe feeling of being disconnected from my family for so long makes me feel old.
i think it's because the people i saw all the time when i was younger i don't see to often and you really notice that change in little bits but over time it really shows.
the last time alot of witness friends i was 16, then i show up at a family event and i'm 28. that's life and i do get it but it really makes me feel old..
You dont know where your mom lives dubstepped? It's kinda like a puppy you don't notice growing till it's a dog..I could probably fall off where no one could find me but I'll always know where to find my of my uncles randomly popped in a few months back who I haven't seen in years but we keep touch on social media. Dude is really cool and smart but I think he is lost if you know what I mean. No real goals or ambitions, he seems to be trying to find himself. He actually is a very good artist and used to work for a video game company. Was living in LA for awhile now in NYC. Dude is living thou thats all I can say..
"Slaving For Jehovah Is Great, Because Your Life Won't Go Wrong." Sigh...
by Sorry ingranted, i'm a pimo status, so i normally just play on my cell phone and ignore everything during meetings and assemblies.
but at the assembly this past weekend, my ears were pricked for two experiences of two sisters dedicating themselves to pioneering.
this was probably because i was extremely freaked out by both of them.
Can we have a moment of silence for all the sister who will never orgasm and for the brothers who will never get a blow job.. -
Checking Up On Disfellowshipped Ones
by Boredposter inif my memory serves me right in the 80's there was an effort to call on those who were disfellowshipped.
elders would seek them out (or we're supposed to) to see if there was anything they could do to help them come back.
it seemed like a good idea at the time to me.
I would imagine you would have to be disfellowshiped for quite awhile and stopped going to meetings..
"Slaving For Jehovah Is Great, Because Your Life Won't Go Wrong." Sigh...
by Sorry ingranted, i'm a pimo status, so i normally just play on my cell phone and ignore everything during meetings and assemblies.
but at the assembly this past weekend, my ears were pricked for two experiences of two sisters dedicating themselves to pioneering.
this was probably because i was extremely freaked out by both of them.
I was wondering what PIMO ment also. I remember back in the day how everyone thought the social media myspace was a bad thing and they talked about it at the convention. But Facebook is ok and everyone even the org has one. I almost went to my cousins baptism a few months ago and everyone got all mad because I "missed out on a important event in my cousins life and I complain I don't get invited enough to family stuff"