Last night I had a sit down with a family member and some older friends who went to my hall. Didn't realise my family member who is active has been feeling alot of the same emotions I have. My family member who is in high standing said he has alway been afraid to go to the elders because he has always felt they weren't ever understanding from his experience. My family member is very well off in his life and the fact he feels how I do means there is something wrong with us... the way my family member spoke of jehovah made me feel sad. I can tell he doesn't believe it entirely. He is college educated let's say and so alot of people look up to him. He said it took him years to understand it. His exact words to me where "we weren't raised for success".. Alot of factors are at play there but I really had to hold my tongue not to say how debilitating growing up in the org is... He doesn't understand how right he is considering he is 6 years older then me and only within the past year has he been feeling like me and wanted to step down from his duties at the hall.
Posts by Jayk
Bitter sweet moment
by Jayk inlast night i had a sit down with a family member and some older friends who went to my hall.
didn't realise my family member who is active has been feeling alot of the same emotions i have.
my family member who is in high standing said he has alway been afraid to go to the elders because he has always felt they weren't ever understanding from his experience.
Reversing magnetic fields
by careful infor the first time scientists have successfully reversed a naturally occurring magnetic field.
it could have multiple implications:.
If it doesn't have any practical application it brings us a little step closer to understand magnets. Keep I mind magnetic fields are atoms. Were ultimately trying to learn to controll them. In the last year a paper was published saying the eltromagnetic engine works and space testing will be happening soon. I thought I heard awhile back about scientist making magnets that are stronger depending on what light frequency/color is shined on them. -
Difficult to internalize that all the connections are gone
by truthseeker ini was in my old stomping ground a couple of months ago and happened to be walking past the home of an old family friend.
word is in the hall that i used to go to is that "i am one of them" meaning apostate.
no one from my old hall has contacted me to find out what happened.
My family is on vacation right now. They go twice a year, since my dad was young. I havent been in awhile but we always go to the same place.
Should I stay or should I go?
by BlackWolf inhello everyone, i haven't posted anything on here for a while and today i just really felt like i needed to get my thoughts together.
(if you don't know me please read some of my previous posts).
so pretty much not much has changed in my life, i'm still living with my parents and going to all the meetings and service.
We call this "eating the crust of a shit sandwich"
What Do You Think A CIA Or NSA Security File On The Watchtower And Tract Society And It's Governing Body Would Say?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm sure that a top secret security clearance not very high up the chain of command would show a ton of information, .
i mean everything that happens on the internet and on computers i'm sure is assessable to the us intelligence community, why would the government not pass up an opportunity to spy on it's population and run all internet data through homeland security to protect it's interest both home and abroad, realistically thinking that is.. so with this in mind what would a highly classified report look like?
I also heard about them doing alot of pointless waste of tax payer money. Spying on women's book clubs, setting up some dude so his wife would leave him. They probably have files on every religious group if that is the case.
What Do You Think A CIA Or NSA Security File On The Watchtower And Tract Society And It's Governing Body Would Say?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm sure that a top secret security clearance not very high up the chain of command would show a ton of information, .
i mean everything that happens on the internet and on computers i'm sure is assessable to the us intelligence community, why would the government not pass up an opportunity to spy on it's population and run all internet data through homeland security to protect it's interest both home and abroad, realistically thinking that is.. so with this in mind what would a highly classified report look like?
The government can't stop people from illegally coming in to the country. (Human trafficking) so why would the witnesses be on the radar besides for the obvious reason?
What Do You Think A CIA Or NSA Security File On The Watchtower And Tract Society And It's Governing Body Would Say?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm sure that a top secret security clearance not very high up the chain of command would show a ton of information, .
i mean everything that happens on the internet and on computers i'm sure is assessable to the us intelligence community, why would the government not pass up an opportunity to spy on it's population and run all internet data through homeland security to protect it's interest both home and abroad, realistically thinking that is.. so with this in mind what would a highly classified report look like?
As much info as they would have on other religions. There's crazier people in the world. The witnesses are just one group they actually know about.
It's hard being bisexual and being a jw
by Sally fields ini've been bi for a long time but i know it's wrong if you want to be a jw... .
You Pale emperor you're a marilyn manson fan?? I didn't understand what Judaism was till you explained it. Makes alot of sense. Crazy to think there is evidence of amazonian warrior women. I wonder how that worked out. No tribe can be made of just one sex. You need both.
New job blues
by Jayk infinally just got a really good job, i'm learning a trade and i love it.. its been a long time coming without any help from my family.
i'm in my late 20s finally about to be able to provide for myself.
it feels great but i still feel in missing something.
It's been a struggling for a long time because I had zero self worth. My imagine of the witnesses is very blurred because my mom. Since I and my uncles don't submitt to being a JW, my mom says we all have a problem with authority.. -
New job blues
by Jayk infinally just got a really good job, i'm learning a trade and i love it.. its been a long time coming without any help from my family.
i'm in my late 20s finally about to be able to provide for myself.
it feels great but i still feel in missing something.
Finally just got a really good job, I'm learning a trade and I love it.. Its been a long time coming without any help from my family. I'm in my late 20s finally about to be able to provide for myself. It feels great but I still feel in missing something. Any suggestions/advice for someone that you wish you where told when you where my age or going thru the same thing? I don't drink or smoke, my hobbies are exercise, drawing, and video games. I realised the other day my 3 hobbies are things I do by myself. Im so anti social it's kinda depressing.