My gosh... what are you people..... stenographers?
first 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
My gosh... what are you people..... stenographers?
unconfirmed rumors (but credible).
new bible.
new insight volumes (starting 2014 theocretic school year talks will be taken from the insight books).
unconfirmed rumors (but credible).
new bible.
new insight volumes (starting 2014 theocretic school year talks will be taken from the insight books).
I've never been a JW and I think I know the teachings better than my friends who are!
unconfirmed rumors (but credible).
new bible.
new insight volumes (starting 2014 theocretic school year talks will be taken from the insight books).
Brother Mike:
Tell us more about yourself.
Should anyone be a little concerned about individuals running out proclaiming your information and being outted as JWN participants or has everyone else just made me paranoid?
despite knowing ttatt recently and trying my very best not to absorb the fds-supplied "knowledge" any further, i could not help but feel inadequate again during today's meeting.
strange, right?
yet, normal.
Are you in the US?
If so, can you say the region? N, S, E or W?
Or pm me... if youre near me, we can go for coffee!
i really hate it when kids on interviews on meetings or assemblies and they state with pride that they turned down the piece of cake or brownie or other birthday treat at school.
is that something to really be proud of?
it is not as if the teacher is tempting them.
When people say wilfully ignorant things, my new line has become "sounds a little Nelsonian, but ok."
Looking up Nelsonian should take them to Nelsonian Knowledge. :)
i wonder if the supplying companies for kingdomhall chairs, materials, etc, happen to be owned by ones with ties to the jws?
they'd be making millions!
like the us government, politicans can't just take tax money, but if they own companies that tax money goes to, then that's how you discover the true motives.
Why not? Charles Taze Russell owned the printing company that printed the materials he wrote and then stated that the WTS itself made no money...
According to page 42 of the 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, all materials were printed and bound by Russell's privately owned Tower Publishing Company for an agreed price, then distributed by "colporteurs" (persons who travel to sell or publicize Bibles, religious tracts, etc.).
In the January 1891 edition of Zion's Watchtower, Russell stated,
"The Society owns nothing, has nothing, pays no salaries, no rent, or other expenses. Its policy is to use in the work every dollar received, to the best advantage, and as speedily as possible. Its success in publishing and circulating among the right kind of readers, tons of the Old Theology Tracts, is phenomenal alike to its friends and its enemies. The latter imagine that there must be great wealth connected with the concern, whereas really there is very little.--Few of the friends of this cause do, or are able to do, much financially; but what money there is, under economy and the divine blessing, is like the widow's cruse of oil: it accomplishes about a hundred times as much as other Tract Societies, which spend most of their receipts upon salaries."
so, as a non-jw, one of the queries i leverage after taking them to realities within their literature is, "why do the 'worldlies' know this stuff about your religion and you don't?
why didn't they explain the evolution of your doctrines?
" ...and "who really is the faithful and discreet slave and how is the information transmitted again?
All this transparency is reducing my effectiveness. My knowledge was starting to come off as mystical. I should have known it was too good to last.
Have they introduced new 'truth' with phrases like "this is an adjustment..." in the magazines in the past? The reversal articles I've been exposed to just declared the new 'truth'...
...with no Vaseline.
so, i visited the kh with friends so i could have, in my possession, the watchtower study edition of the year.. and the kind gentleman at the counter handed me... a darn photocopy!!!!!.
maybe this is the norm... did this happen in other kingdom halls?.
I'm so jealous.
so, i visited the kh with friends so i could have, in my possession, the watchtower study edition of the year.. and the kind gentleman at the counter handed me... a darn photocopy!!!!!.
maybe this is the norm... did this happen in other kingdom halls?.
I was there for week one and they were already gone!
Everytime I pull out a piece of paper, nobody will look at it. That's why I needed a real one.