You will be missed. Hopefully the love you find there is as genuine as the love many of us have for you here.
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
You will be missed. Hopefully the love you find there is as genuine as the love many of us have for you here.
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Wow... I so don't get this.
These posts aren't very common - at least since I've been around.
I've never known an entity to require a total rejection of all previous experiences to be accepted.
This is so foreign.
so i waz reading the august 15 wt study article, elisha saw fiery chariots, do you?
and it made me think about this forum.
if you remember, syria was hunting god's prophet, elisha.
Your arrogance has brought a few of my "never-even-known-a-JW" friends to jaw-dropping disbelief with this unscriptural faith in men. (Jer 17:5, 7)
We're sincerely praying for ya' kid.
In the meantime, please, keep posting.
not because i agree with him.
because i do not want the divorce.
but because i love him and i want to respect him.
I had to go back and read other threads to learn that you're getting your Master's degree soon? Are you kidding me? YOU GO GIRL!
Now, let's get stronger. You have given him permission to make you feel like this. I know because I've been there. When you're ready to leave, maybe my frame will help you get through it.
Twenty-one years ago, I left an abusive marriage with my daughter. I barely remember her early childhood for I was consumed with grief over my circumstances. It was an abuse counselor who told me that the biggest reason victims stay is because of the fear of the unknown upon leaving (what will happen to me? I will be alone...). In staying, you KNOW what is going to happen from day to day. In leaving, you're entering into the unknown and yes, that's scary.
You know what was ultimately scarier for me? ... leading my daughter to believe through my actions that a life of abuse was acceptable and realizing that I was potentially starting a cycle of abuse that could last through generations. Was that the legacy I wanted to leave for her? That her Mom accepted emotional and physical abuse? Absolutely not! There's absolutely NO HONOR in what you're doing and the long term consequences could last BEYOND YOUR LIFETIME.
As I started the process, I held onto the notion that if it was God's will, my ex would realize his idiocy and we could re-marry - but know that I was dead set on sending a declarative statement that he would NO LONGER control my life with his emotional fluctuations (I hate you - don't leave me syndrome). I needed my actions to be clear... I was showing him that at this period in his life, he was no longer worthy of the love I had to offer. I made the divorce a GOAL to take my life back from him.
Divorce may be the answer while your husband grows up. Each minute, day, week, month and year that passes is another lost to what? Not worth it. It sounds like you've done what you can to show him honor. If you're done feeling what you've been feeling - unload him. If not, stay until you're sure.
Also, I can't tell you how many people sympathize with how much money their ex will or will not have with respect to support. Not your problem. It was HIS decision to be an A$$, so let him pay for it. Your kids deserve to feel secure and have their needs met. Make sure you can provide them with as much security as possible. It's painful when you're a few dollars short of an opportunity for them to experience something.
Maybe he'd act honorably but given his current behavior?... I'd get an insurance policy called "child support."
...Just my experience and opinion. You have to do what's right for you but just know that whatever your decision, you'll have a load of emotional support from JWN.
so, if you haven't become an atheist yet and still hold on to some form of christian based/bible based faith.
tell us one scripture that defines where you are at right now in your spiritual journey.... .
Got into a heated debate with a dear JW friend I'm hoping will leave... I had been doing SO well in teaching in snippets. Something was said and I let loose. Yes, I used that darn "C" word (cult for those who were challenged by that) again... and again... and *ahem* again.
The last thing on my mind were Bible verses.
I went to a quiet outdoor place to get some air and calm myself. The following verse immediately came to mind...
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
That's the verse I'm going to hold onto for a minute.
from (while waiting for new bible to download, i clicked on the link for "christian," which asks the following question...).
"are we christians?
we are christians, for the following reasons.
I just had a conversation with a JW friend earlier about this!
She was railing about how Christendom preachers want you to call them "Rev. so and so" and "Pope whatever his name is." I let her go on for a few more minutes about the wrongness of it. I then gently said to her, "XXXX, you know that I'm denominationally unaffiliated and that I hear things differently, right?" She agreed. I then told her the story of how I called a very dear Baptist friend out on the term "ritualistic Catholics" with respect to Catholic services. I asked her if her services had a certain order and then required she tell me where in the Bible her order of services was more right than theirs.
"Okay, XXXX.... now I'm swinging back around to you."
She giggled... "yeah yeah... okay... what?"
I responded... "Let me see if I can remember them all... publisher, auxillery pioneer, pioneer, ministerial servant, circuit overseer, branch coordinator...."
"OH, that's DIFFERENT! Those titles have to do with people's ROLES within the organization. It's not their TITLE..."
just saw this posted on jwtalk.
it's the cover of the jan awake in german.. the website we should remember!.
" All jws are required to buy ipads for field service"
They are? or this is what you're expecting will happen...
just saw this posted on jwtalk.
it's the cover of the jan awake in german.. the website we should remember!.
I feel comfortable going one more level.
A couple of years ago in a conversation with a "pioneer", I talked about information in their material that I was uncomfortable with. She asked where I got the information and warned that I "must not go to ANY other website other than ..." then she wrote down two or three "WTS approved" sites.
I asked her how I'd know that the information was accurate if I didn't look at the arguments for and against the ideologies. My brain shut down with her first few sentences. All I remember was that I got a 3-5 minute dissertation on Satan who knows the JWs represent the Truth ruling the internet and that, to be safe, I needed to stay away from all other sites. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
For any non-jw reading this - it's one thing to read about these instances and reason that the stories represent isolated events and people. When you really get what's going on, experiencing events like this will take you to another level of concern for them.
just saw this posted on jwtalk.
it's the cover of the jan awake in german.. the website we should remember!.
As a non-jw, the first thing I saw was that a woman's face was glowing in the largest picture. Was that your flash maybe? I hope so...
Next thought, why remember a site name when there's Google?
Even funnier now that I think about it - I wouldn't even try to remember that site name. I would type in "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" in Google and that would ONLY be after I had a conversation with another non-jw who revealed the cult-like beliefs.
I can't believe they're encouraging people who are not beholden to their GB to go to the internet. We're an unruly bunch... *giggling*
my jw daughter called me this afternoon!!!!!
!i am just over the moon.
her hubby not a jw has cancer & was operated on today!!!!.
Oh, Mouthy I am sooo happy for you! I'll be praying that she enjoyed talking to her mom again and that the veil covering the eyes to her mind will wear thin.
Love ya!