A friend of mine sounded completely disoriented yesterday and said they had been up until the wee hours of the morning looking over a question I had asked. This is a born-in who has been trying to show me that the WTS an honorable institution. I asked if they were okay.
"I feel... kinda ....out of sync. Just ...nevermind."
Years ago, I would have pushed for a more complete answer. I decided to leave it alone.
Given my background and seeing what it means to be a JW, TTATT would be a miracle sent from God if it were given to me. It seems that many of you liken the experience to being ripped from a much needed morphine drip.
WMF, by your screenname, I suspect you're a firecracker in real life. You and I would be hurling obscenities together. I suspect the slow seep experience of some of the others would be in line for the personality of this person; if the dissonance doesn't take over again...