There is nothing more horrible than the murder of a beautiful theory by a brutal gang of facts.
hello and thanks to everyone for participating on this forum it has really been of much value, for those of you that post here know that your words are not lost you never know who is reading your expressions, lives are being changed and nonsense challenged.
i’m not much of a writer so excuse my untrained writing style and grammar but i want to share my story to help anyone who is visiting here to see that we are real people, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who have come here for answers, there is no agenda, just searching for truth.
i hope my story will help others as so many here have helped me..
There is nothing more horrible than the murder of a beautiful theory by a brutal gang of facts.
Holy cow.
I mentioned that I had heard that this WT article further separated the JWs from others and got my head verbally ripped off.
Was told that I was destroying the relationship and their walk with God. They had left the KH feeling good and now they don't feel good and that I was responsible for bringing them down. Was told that anyone else's walk was their problem.
Wow.... the love of a JW towards his/her neighbor.
i've searched this site for threads about the ohio sandy ford jw murder case in 2009 but haven't found any.
surely there were some... can anyone help me out on this?
This is awfully extreme and horrifically sad
One article said there was going to be a funeral at a church for one of the deceased.
Anyone know if there was a disfellowshipped person involved?
i bumped into a sister that i have known for at least 40 years or so.
we were catching up.
she and her husband have been in the truth for decades.
I'm not even a Witness and that felt like razor blades penetrating MY eyeballs.
“it has been said, 'time heals all wounds.
' i do not agree.
the wounds remain.
Very well written and clearly heartfelt. I applaud you.
As a non JW, I will just say "Welcome."
is this true?
has anyone heard of it?
saw it on my facebook.. "jan. 6 bethel update 108 elderly bethelites getting the boot.. brooklyn, ny.
Ok. Got it.
As a non jw, I have a ton of leeway to say or ask whatever I want. I have to make sure I'm not too far off.
is this true?
has anyone heard of it?
saw it on my facebook.. "jan. 6 bethel update 108 elderly bethelites getting the boot.. brooklyn, ny.
Is that as of the last few days?
Maybe I'm misreading but the OP seems to suggest that the newest releases are in addition to the previously known layoffs.
this story of a jehovah's witness who became catholic is at the top of the heap.
i was angered at what happened when he opened up and poured out his heart to a "caring" brother.. cc.
I had an opposite experience.
Confirmed Episcopalian ...Attended a Catholic Church for a few months - not a member ...had a bad life experience (abusive marriage)
Broke down crying in church
Church housed my child and myself for some time and provided counseling
The RCC does help those in need. I've seen it repeatedly.
I attended a Catholic High School and University. Best education for the tuition and my parents paid twice as much as the Catholic kid's parents.
i left the watchtower in the winter of 2008. my first year out was by far the most difficult.
i had every intention of returning to the watchtower for the very purpose of being able to speak with my friends and family.
i had already concluded that the teachings were not the "truth" [after reading crisis of conscience] so coming back was more emotional then anything.
Love this post
Thank you very much
in a 2013 article currently on (reference 1), the jws bragged about how their website is translated into 300 languages and that it reaches, according to alexa statistics, 890,000 unique users every day.. what about the monthly stats?
the site (reference 2), which draws its statistics from alexa, reports that there are an estimated 3.2 million unique visitors every month for*.
since the 2013 memorial had an attendance of 19.2 million (reference 3), this could be understood as 1/6 of the jws and their friends visited the site on a monthly basis.. this is not unexpected as the internet itself is used only by 39% of the planet at this time (reference 4).. hence, the number of languages in which the website is translated does not offer any guaranty as to its information being accessed or even be accessible at all to most of the planets population.. .
Hmm.... how much of the "traffic" would be reduced if you remove visits for the retrieval of the study editions used in weekly meetings?