Why would they have, as their main number in 2009, the telephone number of the FRONT DESK of a hotel?
That hotel has been there for decades.
in 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
Why would they have, as their main number in 2009, the telephone number of the FRONT DESK of a hotel?
That hotel has been there for decades.
okay i'm so excited, i'm celebrating valentines day today!
i walk into work this morning (normally a sterile office filled with boring engineers like myself) to find everyone clad in decorative hearts with streamers hanging from the ceiling and heart shaped goodies in the kitchen.
had i walked in on this last year, i would've kept my head low and tried to avoid all conversation unless it was strictly about work.
Good for you Steph!!!!
Have a blast 😀
l was wondering if others get the feeling that the world we live in seems not quite right.l can not pin point anything specific but since childhood days l often get the feeling something isn;t correct.you know the feeling of deja vu.
am l the only one to feel this way?ld love to hear from others and any storys they may have.having been raised in the jdubs maybe lm just suffering mild bouts of paranoia .
Non JW here. Your question was interesting enough to make me look up from my tablet and ask my parents their thoughts. My Dad is 85 so he's seen a lot. My mom is 75. None of us has ever been in a high control group.
The general consensus is that we are ever evolving as individuals and so is the world. None of us feels as though there is something wrong with the world. The battles between countries and people have been going on since the beginning of time -no matter your belief on when it began.
All's the same. No better, no worse. We are just observers of this period.
i was vis it in a kh last night and i just thought i try something new.
when amen was said i bolted out hall low and behold there was anot her poor soul just ahead of me so since he did not know me but i knew he was df i said a greeting to him he seemed greatabsolutely shocked and horrified thst i was speaking to him he acknowledged my greeting and scurried off in t i the night it was a great moment for humankind..
Disfellowshipped people can't talk to disfellowshipped people?
warning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
Congratulations on getting the courage to come to acceptance.
I'll be praying for you and your family.
in the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!
Beth Sarim
I'm sorry... Was laughing and hit dislike instead of like. 😀
in the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!
In the KH I've visited, it seems that many families are going in different directions afterwards and therefore come in separate cars.
Packed? Not... at... all. Plenty of seats everywhere.
A donation line even... For that more personal touch. :(
And you get an acknowledgment of cancelled and curtailed projects. Surely some people are wondering what happened to the funds already donated for the worldwide building work... aren't they?
hi everyone, i have been lurking for some time now and decided to open the box (hence pandora).
about a year ago i became aware of child abuse within the org, out of curiosity (just like pandora) i opened the box and the evils have been pouring out ever since regarding the org.
anyway, this came to a head last summer with the arc.
Thank you for sharing the fact that you lurked for some time first. So many say that. I can't help but wonder how many are trapped in lurk land - afraid to take that step of introducing themselves.
I'm appreciative of anyone that *listens* so to speak. :)
there is a thread that i'm really enjoying discussing the consolidation of congregations into existing kingdom halls.
i'm realizing that the only threads that have spoken of building were related to branch offices.
we know the wts's consolidations and reopening a are a shell game of sorts but i'm wondering... is anyone seeing an increase in kingdom halls in their part of the world?
There is a thread that I'm really enjoying discussing the consolidation of congregations into existing Kingdom Halls.
I'm realizing that the only threads that have spoken of building were related to branch offices.
We know the WTS's consolidations and reopening a are a shell game of sorts but I'm wondering... Is anyone seeing an INCREASE in Kingdom Halls in their part of the world?
I'm not talking about replacements. Flat out new and necessary buildings to accommodate growth.
They can TELL people that building is happening in 3rd world countries. But is it?