I spoke to an elder in 2011 about 607.
This college educated gentleman told me he would try and make the time to research my concerns...
at the local library. 😒
...with a sister.
she says she knows an elder that can prove me wrong in everything i say about the organization.
i bet her that he will not be able to answer my questions and if he does, that he will tell me to have faith.
I spoke to an elder in 2011 about 607.
This college educated gentleman told me he would try and make the time to research my concerns...
at the local library. 😒
even after leaving the organization, it still lurks in the background like a shadow.. as some of you know, i met a wonderful girl a while ago (which i'm going to need your help with).
she is a catholic and i am open and very respectful of her beliefs.
however, i know there will be a time where i will have to tell her that i once was a witness... and to be honest, i'm quite scared of that.. i don't want things to be ruined between us because of a disgusting cult that i was in.
Awww, you sound so sweet!
She won't care.
A non and never been a JW who attended Jewish summer camps, a Presbyterian middle school, a Catholic high school and university, and confirmed Episcopalian (Catholic-Lite) who is now non-denominational
Until I met my JW boyfriend, I had only a small clue about what a JW was!
Feel free to message me if you have any questions or you need for me to operate as a translator. 😀
I'd be happy to help
thanks to mr. jwfacts we now have a copy of this letter.
i would have posted it on his thread but there was already 2 pages of replies and i didn't think the link would be seen.. thank you again mr. facts!.
.. click the green download button.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/bbduxaa.
this article suggests that there are projects being halted, but chelmsford isn't one of them.
can someone from the uk tell me if this article was written by a reputable and known publisher?
plans for huge jehovah's witnesses hq continues.
Welcome FormerBrother!
Not sure how long you've been away but a lot may have changed since you've left.
Around here, when you see the acronym TTATT it means "the truth about The Truth." Many here either researched their way into the realization that the WTS had been less than honest in their approach to scriptural interpretation and others tripped across that reality after reviewing sites such as jwfacts.com.
You should take some time to review that site when you get time.
As for pedophiles, the infiltration is not the issue here. It's been realized that pedophiles are actually protected in this group.
Sadly, when you read more, you'll realize more.a new montra that was recently adopted by the wife and i is this:.
dont give them more power than they deserve.. here's why i say that, and i point this to those of you still in the congregation, still trying to decide what you want to do.. recently, our family had a little family reunion gathering of sorts, and we were in the company of some extended family that were either df or da, to varying degrees.
we made it very clear, to any and all in attendance, that we wanted to be respectful and kind, despite any previous perceptions about our "status".... and that our feelings on a lot of things had "softened", and "changed" over the last 2 years.. i am being purposefully slightly vague, but i think you get the point.
Tech49. Good for you guys and congratulations!
Wirerider: you forgot to mention that Charles and his dad's second wife were biological sisters
saw this video of a brave woman who gave a da letter and an elder tries to talk with her.
this guy comes across has full of shite, and you know he would be a different person if there were other elders around with him.
kangaroo court jokers is what comes to my mind.
You poor thing. Traumatized repeatedly.
I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope that you've found some level of peace.
got this very interesting email last night and i thought i'd share it.. this is from the local rbc.. "in harmony with our new ldc form we have been asked by the branch to liquidate all current assets of used tools and materials once owned by the rbc.
you are invited to visit the equipment trailers to acquire items being liquidated by the rbc asset team, these items will be offered on a first come bases with voluntary donation.
if you see any item you like please be in position to take it with you at that time, after you return to your congregation then you will make a donation of cash or check in the congregation contribution box designated for the support of the worldwide work.
DarkKnight are you able to say if you're in the United States?
guys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
has anyone looked at the local churches in their area and seen pagan and freemason symbols both inside and outside.
i am not a jw but at least they don't seem to follow this trend.
why do "christians" wear a symbol of torture and death ?
Has anyone looked at the local churches in their area and seen pagan and freemason symbols both inside and outside. I am not a JW but at least they don't seem to follow this trend.
And all this time I thought the church predated freemasonry.
You acknowledge that this is a cult in one post, but then say that you want to join to "learn the mindset." Then you say,
But I do see the jws as well as other cults closer to the teachings in the NT then most of the protestant and catholic sects
Have you actually read your expensive Bible collection? Are they all NWTs?
No wonder the JWs, WWCOG and its many splinters, Christadelphian and others attract so many followers.
Where the heck are you getting your data from... the Watchtower?
Does the bible say to worship images made of wood, stone or metal?
Uh... no, but get a picture of the adherents falling down in the street to worship the gargoyles at your local Celtic church.
Or to see Mary as a goddess ?
Mary is given respect as the mother of Christ in Catholicism. A lot more than most religions do for women and I'm not Catholic.
All have error in their teaching and all are money making businesses. ( think of the money lenders and stalls in the temple that Jesus went off at)
I guess your research hasn't uncovered the recent money grab of the WTS, huh?
Would any Christian give away everything to someone in need as Jesus did?
If that's the biblical standard you adhere to, you'll fit in nicely with the JWs. The Writing Department would welcome you with open arms.
Sorry - I can't sugar coat this. As a "non and never been a jw" who loves comparative religion, I think I'd be able to relate to at least ONE statement that was made.
I'm with you Carla... this guy's a JW.
in a conversation, my jw listener posed the sadness and the unnecessary loss of life of the bombings.
also, something was said about a belief on the extremist's part that their actions would or could bring armageddon to earth (i wasn't clear as to where this came from).
i recognized the connection that i believed was being drawn and that's when i went off.. the gist of my response:.
In a conversation, my JW listener posed the sadness and the unnecessary loss of life of the bombings. Also, something was said about a belief on the extremist's part that their actions would or could bring Armageddon to Earth (I wasn't clear as to where this came from). I recognized the connection that I believed was being drawn and that's when I went off.
The gist of my response:
"OH! GREAT! So these religious extremists hold to a belief that somehow their actions will OBLIGATE the Almighty to adjust His timetable? Now THAT'S arrogance!
Did you hear Obama's response?... He basically said that these actions are in violation to the HUMAN race... He didn't say it was a violation to Christians, a violation to Americans or a violation to a specific group of people... the whole human race.
(I'm in a mild tizzy at this point. Maybe because of the inference?)
What's incredible is that these people seriously believe that their actions are sanctioned by GOD HIMSELF and that God ONLY approves of THEM and that EVERYONE should convert to THEIR way of thinking! They criticize ALL who fail to adopt their thinking and covert or subscribe to their notion of righteousness!
"These people don't wear the right clothes - especially the woman! OHHHH What an insult to ALLAH!"
"How do THOSE people think God could possible approve of THEM? Look at their behaviors that are outside of the scriptures! We're doing it right! You steal? You lose a hand... You covet?... you lose an eyeball!"
"WE'RE the only ones who meet for prayer the RIGHT way and the RIGHT number of times! They don't know HIS word like WE do!" Ask them a question about the Scriptures and they know nothing."
Us vs. them us vs. them... that's all everyone hears.
OH, and don't insult them OH NOOOO that's just a VALIDATION of their cause - remember that comic book fiasco?? Yeah... They have convinced themselves that they are in the only religion that is approved by God - "Look at the PERSECUTION we're getting! We are fighting SATAN himself! VENGEANCE will be OURS for we're doing it for God! They'll REALLY see who was right in the afterlife!" Aw c'mon....
These religious extremists don't speak for humankind. They only speak for their own paradigm and that's why they will eventually get crushed... they'll cry about it being Satan and use the casualties to get people to join their cause, but the people who've been hurt won't subscribe to that crap."
I may have said things differently but into the rant, I realized I wasn't getting any verbal affirmations and looked to see my loved one staring off into the corner of the room so I stopped talking and had to mentally review my words.
I think I hit a nerve.