Is that as of the last few days?
Maybe I'm misreading but the OP seems to suggest that the newest releases are in addition to the previously known layoffs.
is this true?
has anyone heard of it?
saw it on my facebook.. "jan. 6 bethel update 108 elderly bethelites getting the boot.. brooklyn, ny.
Is that as of the last few days?
Maybe I'm misreading but the OP seems to suggest that the newest releases are in addition to the previously known layoffs.
this story of a jehovah's witness who became catholic is at the top of the heap.
i was angered at what happened when he opened up and poured out his heart to a "caring" brother.. cc.
I had an opposite experience.
Confirmed Episcopalian ...Attended a Catholic Church for a few months - not a member ...had a bad life experience (abusive marriage)
Broke down crying in church
Church housed my child and myself for some time and provided counseling
The RCC does help those in need. I've seen it repeatedly.
I attended a Catholic High School and University. Best education for the tuition and my parents paid twice as much as the Catholic kid's parents.
i left the watchtower in the winter of 2008. my first year out was by far the most difficult.
i had every intention of returning to the watchtower for the very purpose of being able to speak with my friends and family.
i had already concluded that the teachings were not the "truth" [after reading crisis of conscience] so coming back was more emotional then anything.
Love this post
Thank you very much
in a 2013 article currently on jw.org (reference 1), the jws bragged about how their website is translated into 300 languages and that it reaches, according to alexa statistics, 890,000 unique users every day.. what about the monthly stats?
the site websitetrafficspy.com (reference 2), which draws its statistics from alexa, reports that there are an estimated 3.2 million unique visitors every month for jw.org.*.
since the 2013 memorial had an attendance of 19.2 million (reference 3), this could be understood as 1/6 of the jws and their friends visited the site on a monthly basis.. this is not unexpected as the internet itself is used only by 39% of the planet at this time (reference 4).. hence, the number of languages in which the website is translated does not offer any guaranty as to its information being accessed or even be accessible at all to most of the planets population.. .
Hmm.... how much of the "traffic" would be reduced if you remove visits for the retrieval of the study editions used in weekly meetings?
everybody gets one, the gift that stared up at you hopefully from its beautiful wrapping, and then, like a deflated balloon, delivers the worst gift ever.. i'm not talking about the gifts from small children like the "greatest aunt" coffee mug or the red and black lace folding fan.
surely you never would have chosen them for yourself, but it's the thought that counts from small people who love you.. then, there's the what the hell were they thinking gifts.
my mother-in-law has been giving these a lot lately.
the neighbor blows his leaves over onto my employee's yard, then denies it.
the neighbor's wife calls the police about anything and everything.. of course they're witnesses.
Oh the things I can add to this discussion... Smh
Was at a Christmas party with other non-JWs (I am a non and never have been), and a person brought up her experience with a JW who pushed her services on her. During the completion of a multi-month job, the JW's car broke down. Feeling badly for her my friend lent the JW a car believing it was the Christian (non Witness style) thing to do.
Three months later, the JW STILL had her car AND was asking for additional money to complete the services. Not one dime was offered for the use of the car. My friend was in disbelief. Did I mention my friend is single with kids and the JW is married?
I was blown away from a different perspective. When I visited the KH, this JW was the one who made the nastiest comments about non-JWs. UGHHHH if I see her again, it will be very difficult not to say anything.
Anyhow, these discussions invariably turn to others experiences... Like my cousin who would do twice as much work at a local pharmacy because her JW coworker "had" to finish her "studies"... "or whatever she was doing." When my cousin got fed up and called her on it, the JW said my cousin was attacking her faith. "I was justifiably attacking her job performance but she figured out how to twist that? She was fired a week later and replaced with a real worker and I was never so happy!" my cousin had said.
I remember a witness telling me that employers prefer to hire witnesses because they are more honest than non-JWs. The sad part?... she was COMPLETELY oblivious to the insult that she had hurled.
The stories go on and on...
i am new to the boards, so a little background info may be a good idea?
also, i'm not quite sure which sub-forum to post this to....
i have a typical religious background for my country; grew up with lutheran christianity (which was our state religion up until 2012; we now have a secular constitution).
Welcome, Northern Star
I am not and have never been a JW. For reasons that included a loved one, I began a "study" with an elder about a year ago. Like you, I made it clear that my goal was to be educated with respect to JWism - not to convert. After some time, the elder realized I knew more than a person whose door was knocked on and opened up in some areas of information. Like yours, my conversations would last 4-5 hours a week. There were a variety of emotions that were experienced - more for him than myself.
I love what you're doing. I wish more non-JWs knew about this insidious cult. If you want this to continue, I have one recommendation: SOLIDIFY A RELATIONSHIP or they'll bolt - especially if they can control whether the meeting happens or not as you have to expect them at YOUR house. Make snacks so that they know you put work into their presence. Right now, killing 4-5 hours at one location is a gold mine for them. They won't want to lose you but they will discard you like a ladies monthly item if too many of your questions start to come off as anti-Watchtower.
J.W.'s are generally Org-deluded or self-deluded - or both. - The Searcher
Sadly, this about sums it up - the difference is one has no self-confidence and the other has too much.
I will be watching your posts carefully to see if you reach the same conclusions I've reached. :)
Good luck and good to have you here!
.just plucking up the courage to introduce myself....living in ireland but from the uk originally.
..drifted away due to depression (from all things truth related lol and bereavements and my m.s husband cheating on me and leaving !!
) few years ago but they recently hunted me down (they contacted me the day my other half was diagnosed with cancer!
Slimeballs. All of them.
Praying for you....
it has confirmed the news!
in italy selling assembly halls.. the managers are deciding which assembly halls keep continuing to use them for the assemblies, and assembly halls which sell the best buyer.
How many weekend days are the Assembly Halls empty?
Sounds like basic math to me.
You have 2 assembly halls.
Cut 2 day assemblies to 1 day.
Close an assembly hall.
Send one group to the remaining AH on Saturday and the other on Sunday.
...with a sister.
she says she knows an elder that can prove me wrong in everything i say about the organization.
i bet her that he will not be able to answer my questions and if he does, that he will tell me to have faith.
I spoke to an elder in 2011 about 607.
This college educated gentleman told me he would try and make the time to research my concerns...
at the local library. 😒