A JW posted a meme on Facebook yesterday. It welcomed people to visit their local KH
at the bottom... "No Donations Required"
there are a couple new tabs on the app, one of which is the 'meetings' tab.
can you guess what the other one is?.
A JW posted a meme on Facebook yesterday. It welcomed people to visit their local KH
at the bottom... "No Donations Required"
i'm a little puzzled.
if the wtbts was not approved by jehovah and christ until 1919, does that mean that they were not spirit guided until then?.
if not, that would explain the countless errors in doctrine up to that time.. if, however, they were spirit guided, wouldn't that indicate that they had already been chosen?.
King Freddo! Sounds Royal.
In the WTS study edition being "studied" now is a question from readers segment on this. The question never really gets answered.
Someone help me... What darn difference does it make to the WTS that the year be changed to 1919 and not 1918? What's the real goal?
To me, it would seem pretty important if the Creator of the Universe told me I won a prize. Surely I'd remember the date. 😒
so after the 2 special pioneers visited i thought i had given them an earful about the arc and the pedophile problem in their organization surely they would have put me on the do not call list.. oh, no not my luck i get an elder and his lovely little mute wife with infant child in the stroller this morning at 9 am.
don't these people have a job to go to?
it was a car with 3 men & a woman.. we go through the standard do you read the bible yada yada, i tell them i know the routine very familiar with your game.
Note to self:
when a JW comes to the door grab iPad.
After they ask me about my eternal life, say, "I have a question." Open saved YouTube video of GJ
Ask if they recognize the dude
Make them watch first segment. Ask questions.
Then ask them if they have a smartphone or email.
Ask them if they would mind reviewing the video and returning so that you can ask more questions.
Text or email the video to them.
Agree for them to come the following week.
Part ways knowing you'll never see them again.
in an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
In anticipation of this, can anyone tell me which scriptural passage(s) the WTS uses as a basis for this "remnant" that will be hidden DURING and survive through Armageddon?
with last night's meeting it became official: here in the states is a must to keep up with 'jehovah's org' that one fully jumps on board with this tablet/iphone crap.. so, now, all of us that up to this point have refused to follow the wtbts in their electronic/wireless revolution will deal with the browbeating from the 'spiritual' ones.. already receiving lots of grief from hubby and rest of the family/close friends when seen at the meetings with paper publications.
damn it!!!
am i alone in this resistance???!!!.
So the adherents who browse apostate sites using the KH wifi will be known. 😮
Surely that will require a new BOE letter titled "Misuse of One's Own Tablet-Disfellowshipping Directive"
Here's another piece that I haven't seen talked about yet...
So this pre-pubescent kid goes back to school and advises the other kid (who is grateful to be adopted and loved) that God hates her family. Non-JW kid tells her friends and teacher. The classmates tell their parents and the teacher tells the administrators. Parents who understand and teach tolerance without judgement tell their kids to avoid the crazy JW kid who says everyone but JWs will be dead after Armageddon. JW kid gets thrown under the proverbial bus by peers, teachers and administrators.
JW kid now has no friends or sincere support from the school because of the ruckus caused and so mom and dad point at others and teach the JW kid that they're experiencing classic JW persecution. The behaviors of appalled non-JWs are then inaccurately perceived by the JW child for years afterwards.
This video can only serve to ruin potential friendships for JW kids who are already set apart.
To me, that is the sickest component of all.
I messaged you.
If iyou're in the states the shipping costs may be tolerable for me depending on what you have 😀
"we are saddened to hear about the death of prince rogers nelson, who was baptized as one of jehovah’s witnesses in 2003," the church said in a statement obtained by people.
the church said that prince "found fulfillment as a witness and in sharing his faith with others.
They appear to be setting themselves up for the court of public opinion when, and if, there's a contested will.
They just have to convince the public that he loved "Jehovah" and wella! ...When the family comes forward to contest the Will the WTS doesn't look like a douchebag of a denomination for snatching his money out of the family's hands.
Right now, it's looking like they have a dog in this race.
i knew it.
march 28, 2014 at 9:57pm.
nobody seemed to notice that i wasn't sitting with my immediate family.
This letter basically says,
"It appears we have been offending potential recruits by not mentioning the deceased so... Mention the deceased."
so, talking with my wife yesterday.
she was out cart witnessing (barf) and one of the people she was with claimed to have know prince, or meet him or something like that.
well anyways...they or her or someone (they are all braindoogled) speculated or fantasized that since prince did not have any relatives or something or the other.
If I'm not mistaken, his sister may have had dependency challenges in the past.
She sings gospel music. If she's the shot caller, his funeral will NOT be at a KH