I love reading. Always read everything, no matter how it was seen by the Borg. Got lots and lots of problems with my ex-wife and family (remember one summer reading Browns Da Vinci Code with a group of family members - around 20 people - on the beach and getting hammered because of reading "Satans books"). Nevermind. Love Ken Follet novels, have read them all - with exception of Fall of Giants. I want to read the two sets "in one go" but have limited time now.
As for your interesting thinking process.
Human activities always circle around the same issues - going on for millenia: survival, reproduction and fullfiling some other biological needs. In this sense you can see a "never ending circle" of the same - lust for power, for possessions, for dominance, etc. The same feelings that a Egyptian Pharao had are present in a modern day Fortune 500 CEO.
At the same time we have this evolving-adaptive mind system and eventually we change. Some things of the past are not repeated, we learn that burning red haired woman at a stake is not practical to the other more important survival needs. If only for selfish reasons we drop some things and adopt new ones. This is good and gives Life a surprise effect and mystery.
You have media that is releasing dumb, stupid stuff to the masses, but now we also have something like a worldwide, common thinking. "Hive mind" or "Collective consciousness" which is a modern, new phenomenon and changed humanity FOREVER. THIS will bring new variations into the development of humanity - to the good or the bad - we don't know, but humans and biological beings ALWAYS strive for self-preservance and survival FIRST. Sometimes in history this has lead to killing others and sometimes we have avoided wars and mass destruction because our selfish-survival oriented mind knows that it is detrimental to survival and self-replicating.
I don't think "history repeats itself".