orangefatcat1951: Wow! That was really nice of you to come back here to write on this thread and to console me with such kindness. I didn't knew that this was already on Facebook. As I've said, it isn't my intention to "be famous", matter of fact I don't want nothing to do with my past. I am trying to get as far away as possible from my past, but at the same time I am carrying it around - in my head. My girlfriend notices it that I have to get rid of stuff to move on with Life, otherwise it will destroy me - even physically.
I tried to talk with my former wife about this. We where together. She saw over the years how I came back from Bethel supper and bursted into tears, once I was back in the room, only us and cried nights long. She couldn't understand. It was confusing for her. I tried to tell her that we have to leave this place and she would cry, because of many dear friends (there are really good people among the Witnesses) and because of the shame going back - what would we tell the family that was so proud of us? Back in our home country we where "handed around" as "Stars". Every District Convention we visited arranged for interviews and even one local newspaper reported about us, because of our involvement during Hurricane Mitch. It broke my heart to see her suffer like this, so I carried on - being a shadow of my former self. The day we left Bethel, to go back I knew that our marriage was probably over.
Once back in our home country I tried to tell her more specific stories and events and what I found out during our 10+ years - I dind't even mentioned stuff from the Internet like UN scandal (I hadn't read about it at the time). One day she asked me directly if I didn't believe the Watchtower had the truth and I said: No. Definitely no. She threw up (literally)! Was for hours on the toilet and became sick. I spent the next 5 years trying to convince her of the contrary (and faded). At the end I was emotionally and mentally burned out and during our last year I was distant and apart - eventough our beautiful daughter was little and I loved to see her. That was another thing. For years we didn't even talk about children - Bethel first. Then to the end, as I was fading and the marriage was going through the motions she suddenly had this urgency to get pregnant. I wanted to have children - YEARS AGO. Now I was dead on the inside and plagued with a million demons and bitterness for the injustices that I had seen for years and years.
I started seeing another girl (worldly) and it all just started with talking. I found someone that actually heard what I had to tell. We spent hours on the phone and talking to each other. I was still married and that was one of my great mistakes, it hurts me that I hurted my wife. I am just a human and felt lonely and broken.
Our breakup was messy (and still is). I haven't seen my baby daughter for 2 years now. Have one grainy picture of her. My fault? I feel so. I daily feel the heaviness of my decisions. The decision to disfellowship myself, the decision to start a new relationship, the decision of going to Bethel 17 years ago, the decision of getting baptized...
Many have written lovely PM. I will answer them - especially Andersons as they helped me alot in the past. Also Belbab, a dear and close friend that was there when I most needed it. Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!! I wish I could do something for you.
I will write more, but understand that I need to be in the "right" mental mood (maybe it is called: pissed ) and have to be careful about what I will write next and how to put it on digital paper without hurting innocents. We are touching sensitive topics here. But I will. Give me please some time.
Belbab: Yes, reality is way stranger than fiction. There where things going on that I couldn't believe myself - if I didn't had to live them. I must say that most "inner circle" Bethelites considered that nobody would believe us if we one day told the truth. Strange, isn't it?