The transgender thing is weird but I don't think they exist any real numbers that this is a real problem. Plus I think half of them are just trolls who love the attention and getting right wing loons all upset. I don't know. There has to be something to it . Why would you want to walk around with a target on your back with people calling you a queer, faggot, pedo, weirdo etc. Outside of sports and women's change rooms, you can just do you. None of my business. For the people taking about the innocence of the children, shit that is funny. Every kid is walking around with the worlds largest smut store on there telephone. Some of these sites are getting nearly 3 billion hits a month. I am sure they have already seen it all. Long gone are days of the Sears Catalogue and a vivid imagination.
To have people protesting at my sons K-8 school without a single trans or gay kid, no drag queen hour or whatever is absolute bullshit. The whole thing is like the black parent who had there kid join some inner city gang at 17 and go to jail and turn around and blame society. Only if a democrat was in office, this wouldn't have happened. Either do your job as a parent or accept what your kid is but don't blame the schools. Just fuck off.
In my neck of the world we currently have 300 or so kids in hospital with an Ecoli outbreak with some 20 in ICU care. The gutting of the health authorities by right wing is much or a threat to the safety of children.