Guardians Of Doctrine - Love it
JoinedPosts by Moster
Are there any full preterists here?
by quincemyles inare there any folks here who believe that armageddon, the "second coming of christ.
" the great tribulation and resurrection are past events rather than future?.
I am with Vanderhoven7
On Grief and Loss
by jp1692 inon grief and loss.
each and every tear is a memory.
and when you feel so intensely all that you have lost, you are also remembering everything that you have had.
If there was a "" button I would have clicked it. Your words warm my heart JP. Thank you.
CO's talk on loyalty
by Rattigan350 inthe circuit overseer this week on tuesday gave a talk on loyalty to jehovah.
i listed 5 points.
i only remember 3.. one was the typical association with disfellowshipped relatives, the next was loyalty to friends over jehovah by not reporting wrongdoing to elders.
Loyalty to the ORG - not to God.
Crisis of conscience
by Jrjw inhi everyone.
what does anyone think of the crisis of conscience book?
I felt as though he was sincere, and truly heartbroken about what he was apart of. He came across as very humble and honest. I was left feeling sorry for him, and for myself and my family.
Hi, all...I'm a faithful JW who is sick of lies about us
by James Donalds ini was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
Sparrowdown - Whamo!!!
How many anointed have come and gone; how many remain?
by Moster injust wondering if there is any data about how many anointed there were in say 1914, and considering most would have passed 'beyond the veil' already, are the jw's numbers adding up?
we know there are more in 2017 then there were in 2016, but just where are we in the grand total column?.
Just wondering if there is any data about how many anointed there were in say 1914, and considering most would have passed 'beyond the veil' already, are the JW's numbers adding up? We know there are more in 2017 then there were in 2016, but just where are we in the grand total column?
How do I handle this?
by Phoebe ina little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
Ignore it - dont engage.
Upvoting & Downvoting
by Faded inis it possible for us to change our like or dislike once cast?
i have accidentally hit the dislike button by mistake more than once.
and then today, i completely agreed with someones first few sentences of a post.
Simon - Using internet Explorer 11, only allows us 1 click either Like or Dislike. No change is possible afterward a selection has been made. I get the circle with a red line through it if I try to click anything after.
Inside Story Logo
by MrHappy inthis may have been covered before but have you noticed the logo design of the "inside story" on this months video the 143rd gilead graduation.
it appears as a pyramid containing the masonic symbol of the compass and square, with this reflected below the text.
the art pieces on the shelf are also interesting and maybe someone has some thoughts on these.