You my friend are guilt free. Let it go. That same person could be buying a coffee beside a cart and see a magazine. I highly doubt that him just seeing her with the WT made him pursue a mind control cult.
hey all!
long time no see.. a couple of weeks ago, i got a phone call from my jw mother.
she said she had something interesting to tell me.... way back in 2002, i was moving out from my stupid roommate who was playing dumb jokes on me.
You my friend are guilt free. Let it go. That same person could be buying a coffee beside a cart and see a magazine. I highly doubt that him just seeing her with the WT made him pursue a mind control cult.
what are your biggest, funniest, scariest, etc.... wait wt says there are non hahahah.
Enjoyed this topic / thread. Thank you everyone.
i was chatting with my very jw pioneer mother (aged 65) and out of the blue she tells me she is sore from a particular pose she did in yoga class.
"wait, what??
" i say in my mind.
Woga - snicker snicker!
this from the australian broadcasting commission (abc).. the aftershocks of the arc continue.. "thanks for your email, and for sharing some of your personal story.we are absolutely aware that violence exists in jehovah's witnesses families.
as this series is ongoing, we will be continuing to report on this issue for some time.
in the meantime, you might be interested to read the story of "jennifer" in a feature we published a few weeks back (link below).
And they say the Muslims treat women as second class....shame!
i went into my mother's office to leave her a small note to say that we love and miss her and would love to get together.
i found this on her desk.
this is jehovah's witnesses.
"The kids have not seen or spoken to my mother or sisters......"
It is possible that by the time she becomes sick or dying the grandchildren wont want to see her even as she requests or 'allows' them to.
So sad - hugs to you. Nothing hurts us like family.
as we have seen, the society has so smoothly rolled out the rebranding of the organization in just a few short years!.
(in fact, i remember a thread post here a few years back, where it was mentioned that all halls are going to get the signs on them.
it was initially laughed off and doubted)
i have an online ex jw friend who pointed out to me that she stumbled upon a may 15, 1999 watchtower that had pictures of governing body members autographing bibles for people.
i have no bound volumes or cd rom copies anymore so i can verify.
two things came to mind, if this is true:.
so i saw on instagram from one of the major uber elders from everett wa posted a picture of where he was staying for the week long safety training the ldc was putting on.
well this "suite" had a full bar for one thing and everything else was quite fancy!
he was complaining about losing $$ for a week since he had to go to this training but the accommodations were wonderful.
Thanks Londo111
so i saw on instagram from one of the major uber elders from everett wa posted a picture of where he was staying for the week long safety training the ldc was putting on.
well this "suite" had a full bar for one thing and everything else was quite fancy!
he was complaining about losing $$ for a week since he had to go to this training but the accommodations were wonderful.
what an arrogant thing to say.. "you shouldn't complain about us knocking on your door.
you should worry when we stop.".
wish i had a snappy response to shove up their pompous ass every time i hear a jw spew this..
The pompous and arrogant demeanors come directly from their leaders. Just look at tight pants.