Outlaw: I don't know what you are referring to. Why do you call me a yoyo? I am not crazy, I'm only asking some questions.
JoinedPosts by SexyTeen
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
The outline for last weeks Blood Card talk
by Kent inoutline for service meeting: benefiting from kind provisions .
take a look at: http://watchtower.observer.org/apps/pbcs.dll/artikkel?nocache=1&dato=20020124&kategori=news&lopenr=201240001&ref=ar.
this is the latest "new light", and this subject has been discussed all over the board, i've heard.. instead of claiming all and everything, i feel it's much better to produce evidence to what the rules really are - and then the jw apologists can simply shut up and accept facts.. i will be interested in comments.. yachyd da.
Sorry outnfree, you're not special. lol. My book study conductor is my dad, and showed the outline to whoever asked to see it. He handed it out so that each one could write down the Watchtower references.
The outline for last weeks Blood Card talk
by Kent inoutline for service meeting: benefiting from kind provisions .
take a look at: http://watchtower.observer.org/apps/pbcs.dll/artikkel?nocache=1&dato=20020124&kategori=news&lopenr=201240001&ref=ar.
this is the latest "new light", and this subject has been discussed all over the board, i've heard.. instead of claiming all and everything, i feel it's much better to produce evidence to what the rules really are - and then the jw apologists can simply shut up and accept facts.. i will be interested in comments.. yachyd da.
Yes, that is the outline that was copied for all book study conductors. My conductor had already shown it to me. I already posted the reason for the destruction of the new cards on the following thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=20083&site=3
Blood cards - before screaming too loudly,
by TheOldHippie inkeep in mind that the blood cards are produced and circulated in all other countries worldwide.
if they are not so in the us, please do not scream too loudly that major changes are occuring etc., because this has got to be some local us thing, if it is true what you say that they are not renewed in the us.
You are wrong metatron. It's o.k. to admit it you know.
Because the blood card can be used like a legal document, it is important that the language be correct. It is true that it is checked and rechecked, but in this case it was a printing error.
Last year, we had to replace page 2 of our Power of Attorney document because one word was misspelled in the original forms mailed out to the congregation.
It happens. No conpiracy here, move on...
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
Thanks YouKnow for your thoughts.
I have for a fact given that very question considerable thought. And what I have discovered is that Jehovah explains very explicitly in Isaiah how the remaining ones are harvested.
Could you at least give me the verses that you refer to so I can meditate on them.About the "revealing of the sons of God", that is why I asked you a few questions. Recently there was a talk in our hall analyzing Romans 8:18-25 and the speaker explained what that term meant. He also added that sometime during the Great Tribulation and before Armageddon we would know who is/was really annointed or not. That comment got me thinking.
Thanks for the hint at the end of your comment. That is something I need to study.
On a personal note, I feel bad that many ridicule you here. But you are very good poster and are very good with words. I enjoy reading your posts.
Blood cards - before screaming too loudly,
by TheOldHippie inkeep in mind that the blood cards are produced and circulated in all other countries worldwide.
if they are not so in the us, please do not scream too loudly that major changes are occuring etc., because this has got to be some local us thing, if it is true what you say that they are not renewed in the us.
If they are NOT so in the US, please do not scream too loudly that major changes are occuring etc.,
This is very true OldHippie. I already posted this on another thread, but I will repeat it. The elder in our congregation that have the Blood talk read part of a letter sent by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, dated December 20th, 2001 saying that they DID print the cards this year and they were dated "6/01". In fact, our congregation received a supply of these cards. The letter explains that there was an error in the language used in these cards, so they had to discard them. Just for this year, we would not renew them and had to make sure that our present cards had a printing date of 3/99.
Our congregation had a limited supply of those cards (with the 3/99) and were passed out to those that had lost their cards from the previous year or if their cards were messed up someway.
There is no conspiracy here.
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
That would be a huge test of our faith in Jehovah, wouldn't it?
Yes it would and we must be ready. You have an interesting view on how it could happen. Thanks for the explanation.
I went back and read some of your previous posts and I believe I read that you are annointed. Have you given much thought on how all annointed will end up in heaven. I understand that they must all be there by the time Armageddon. I see by the figures that there are around 8,000 left, but of course we know that many of those are not real annointed. I imagine only half of those are really annointed.
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
You Know: Thanks for the article, it was very interesting.
I have a question. Do you think that the Great Tribulation will begin with a financial meltdown? If so, how would that be related to the fall of Babylon the Great?
What would you think if?
by getingout inif a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again.
if the wt said the preaching work has ended.. if wt encouraged the members to vote in all elections.
if the blood ban was removed.
Gopher: Yes, it means what you said. Scary thought ain't it? I believe that many will die during the great tribulation, when governments turn against world religions. There is no way that religious leaders will just sit there while the UN closes them down. They will fight and lose. After that, Jehovah will turn his attention against all man governments and all that support them. Seeing how patriotic people can be, that will mean billions will support their governments, putting themselves against Jehovah's Kingdom. So they will die also.
Okay Bible Supporters: Support this One
by FreePeace inthere have been so many bible thumping posts lately, i thought i would offer an anti-bible article from my truthquest website.
i wait with bated breath to see how bible supporters will rationalize and explain this one.. .
atrocities of the bible: the midianites .
You Know: I was under the impression that the first child of David and Bathsheba was not put to death directly by the hand of Jehovah. The child was born sick and died of natural causes, maybe because of the effects that the emotions of Bathsheba had on the womb. But I don't know if I read that in any publications or if I heard it somewhere else.