You said:> "...if it can be put in a spot for everyone to see".
With all due respect, hasn't anyone been paying attention to what I have been conveying as to what I do with my time on the internet?
That letter and all the others that are on there way are and WILL be cut, copied, pasted and posted on every single site, jw page and religious chatroom on the internet. I have taken it upon mySELF to bring to the nations what they have a RIGHT TO KNOW!
So you see my friend, there are no "ifs" here. Not as long as I am able to continue to plaster the documentation of the massive corruption that has been coming into that tower and going out of that tower, for years.
In Yahoo messenger chatrooms, I am actively, daily, exhaustingly, cutting and pasting like crazy news articles, posts, threads, direct quotes, scanned docs, everything I think and feel the nations need to see and hear. Mostly though I bring what they vitally need to hear, such as these "WT LETTERS" and all of Mr. Bowens related material. When Mr. Watters and/or Kent and/or Tally or Focus or PB or Norm or Alan and Farkel post threads and links...I am on top of it all! Cut/ paste is now my middle name. At your service.
Scally (no ifs, ands, or butts-its ACTIONMODE time class)