I can't see them doing away with DF/DA/ shunning anytime soon--maybe they'll give it a new "theocratic" label or something to make it seem more innocent to outsiders, but Shunning is definitely at the core of the religion's power.
I agree with those who say they will acknowledge that 144,000 in Revelation is not a literal number. It would seem like really big "new light" to RandF JWs, but it actually wouldn't change anything for GB since the 2012 "new light" established the GB as the FDS. It would provide lots material for new speculation and excitement among the troops, all the while distracting them from the issues like child abuse and $$$. I could even see this as a way to generate more cash because some JWs will be so $$ appreciative $$ that the GB has opened the gates of heaven to more folks.
They have to keep 1914 and the overlapping crap, though, because that is the only way to keep their authority as the FDS.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave..."