@anony mous
That doesn't mean everyone who votes Republican will suddenly have their kids become rich, but it's statistically a better chance that within 1 or 2 generations you are lifted out of poverty.
Good point. That is also why claiming that voting for the Dems is doing a disservices to minority communities doesn't hold true. My take on the left vs right issue is this. They are 2 different faces of the same coin. Politicians are there to help themselves first and maybe the people after.
This has nothing to do with your race by the way, sure, any minority group will have it more difficult because they are a minority group and thus need to do more to conform, but likewise, minority groups that are lawful (eg. immigrants and racial groups alike) will almost certainly have their kids do better vs minority groups that are illegally residing here and kids with parents that are criminals.
Well, you can tell the above to the Jews during the Nazi Germany occupation. Being a minority and the difficulties associated with that is more complex than just being "minority groups that are lawful " . You can also go and tell that to the Native Americans and here is something about being "minority groups that are lawful"
From 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes; all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the US government, while at least one treaty was violated or broken by Native American tribes.