@coalize: Quetzal is incidentally quoting victimization rates but misreading the statistics. He reads the statistics as the case that blacks are slightly less victimized than whites, hence there are less criminals in the black community. What he is ignoring is that blacks only make up 12-14% of the population. This is a typical left-wing fantasy that everything in the world is and has to be 50% for blacks and 50% for everyone else
I did not interpret the stats and you can go back and check my previous post. Most people agree with the stats about more violence in black community. The only issue is that those pointing to the stats also fail to accept that part of the problem lies in the history of race in America.
Remember when Trump won the election and some said that he didn't win the popular vote? Those who voted for Trump told them to f-off because all that matters is that he won the electoral college vote. The fact is, both side are correct.
When you show statistics about black violence which are factual but you refuse to also accept that part of the problem is also due to race relationship in America, then, you are showing a lack of understanding of the subject matter.