Way back in the day, when desperate, the congregation would have to let sisters do various "duties/privileges" (gag). I remember as a small child (late 60s, early 70s) sometimes the sisters would have to read at the bookstudy or at the WT study, as no qualified brother was in attendance. The sister who read had to sit in the audience because she couldn't be on the stage with the conductor (again, gag). At the bookstudy we would take turns reading.
This was humiliating to any brother that was there but was then outed as "not qualified" because he wasn't used, being on private reproof or whatever.
Meanwhile, at our book study, several would comment how great it was to let the sisters read. Sadly, the usual "qualified" brother had reading difficulties (remember, this was in the day of the Babylon book and several others that took some skill and vocabulary to read properly - not the fluff stuff they produce today). It made the book study drag along (worse than normal). If everyone read, at least it went faster. (BTW, looking back I feel sorry for that brother now because I'd bet you $5 he was dyslexic or something like that and didn't know, he was really embarrassed by his lack of "skill".)
As for the territory servant sister, I've seen that too, under cover of "assisting" a brother who couldn't keep records well (often the husband).
I wouldn't be surprised if this starts happening again, as the younger generation is less interested in this kind of religion. I wish I had thought about all this more when I was young!