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JoinedPosts by Spiral
May 22 1969 Awake!
by zeb in"if you are a young person you need to face the fact you will never grow old in this system of things.. why not?
because all the evidence in fulfilment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few a young person you will never fulfil any career that this system offers".
may 22 awake!
Were YOU forced into a loveless marriage?
by Nathan Natas inmany young jw women are "married off" to virtual strangers, often older men, soon after they are of legal age.. did this happen to you?.
did it happen to a close friend or sibling?.
tell us about it.. from universal life ministries on facebook:.
Can't give a lot of details, but both were in their twenties. Both were considered sub-prime marriage material in JW eyes, because of previous problems with obeying the rules (both had been on "reproof", perhaps more than once).
Originally, they both seemed ok with it, but it was obvious to outsiders that they were being pushed together. They are still together (4+ years) so we'll see, but we all felt they were railroaded into it because the brothers and their parents just wanted to get both of them "settled".
Again, ugh!!!
Were YOU forced into a loveless marriage?
by Nathan Natas inmany young jw women are "married off" to virtual strangers, often older men, soon after they are of legal age.. did this happen to you?.
did it happen to a close friend or sibling?.
tell us about it.. from universal life ministries on facebook:.
I know of a situation like this, the parents just wanted to get their daughter "settled".
Ugh, really upsetting.
When you were fully in, did you believe that you would not die?
by TTWSYF ini know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.
About people shunning their own adult kids "out of loyalty" for years - I have seen this lately.
Amazing, and disgusting.
When you were fully in, did you believe that you would not die?
by TTWSYF ini know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.
At first I did, growing up in the 60s and 70s. Everyone seemed to, so as I child I remember thinking "they can't all be wrong." The 1975 mess didn't throw me off too much, because I thought that if we didn't know they day and hour, how could we be so sure 1975 was the year.
But later - I started to realize that the natural world just doesn't work that way. Why does everything else exist, live, and then die (or be replaced, as in nature) but humans would be on this recycling program of sorts. What makes us so special? It didn't make sense. Also, I began to realize that people are followers, and if they want something bad enough they'll do whatever mental gymnastics it takes to keep their belief going.
I agree with undercover, once I starting doubting all the beliefs just became ridiculous. I regret not doing a lot of things while I was younger, so to be honest I am trying to play catch up. It is a harsh realization to know you could die at any time, but it makes you want to really live in the now.
JW elder on the street I live in.
by Thisismein1972 inso just the other day i happened to look out my window to see the cobe and the elder who studied with me on the doors.
it got me thinking.. i remember one day, during my study that he said he loved me.
although he meant this as a "brother" it actually sent me into, what i can only describe as shock and alarm!
@ToesUp4 hours ago
"If this work is so urgent, and he truly did love me, wouldn't this elder be practically knocking my door down to get me to turn around?"
"You would think so BUT don't count on it. We have family members that have known we are out via rumors and talk within the JW community. We know this for a fact. Have they done anything...hell no. Either they don't have the balls, don't believe the JW crap either or are happy for us, therefore, leaving us alone."
We have the same experience, all these eldubs in the family, rumors swirling, and yet NO ONE says a thing.
Perhaps they are just jealous? I don't know, but it seems funny. Or afraid we might have a real reason for fading they can't argue with? -
Lets be honest we will never expose the danger to the world of
by James Mixon ini thought, ok the case in australia would open the eyes of the world about this dangerous cult.. well that passed without a ripple.
we talk about the un and the wt link, none jw's don't.
understand the significance.
I agree most of the world could care less about the JWs. What little notice they get will fade over time and I think they'll just fade away. Where the money goes that they have, that's a different issue.
But - for people being emotionally harmed by abuse or by family that are in the cult, a forum like this is priceless. The harm the bOrg does on a daily basis right now is real to many people.
This week's WT study article "Keep on the Watch" - the latest dumb article from the Gang That Couldn't Think Straight
by sir82 inok so this week's wt study article is entitled "why must we keep on the watch?"..
it is filled with statements on the importance of "being watchful" for the beginning of the "great tribulation".
paragraph 2: “keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is.”after that, jesus admonished them repeatedly: “keep on the watch.”.
@neverendingjourney; well said. It's just logical.
The longer they wait for the end the more people are born into the world the need to be preached to, so the burden of the preaching work just gets bigger and bigger.
I also have always felt that, if we believe there is a God who would string everyone along like this, with veiled instructions only some understand, and many tests and pitfalls along the way, then we believe in a God who is not very righteous. He likes to watch people suffer. And, he's a terrible communicator. Hard to believe of someone who created the entire universe. It just doesn't add up.
Found Another Medieval Coin This Evening
by cofty ini got in an hour metal detecting this evening and found this almost immediately.. it is a silver penny of henry ii minted in london by "davi" between 1180 and 1189. this adds a king i didn't have in my collection.
i now have the series of henry ii - john - henry iii - edward i - edward ii - edward iii.. i now need richard the lionheart to fill in the gap.
he was the brother of john and reigned after the death of henry ii.
Terrific! So happy for you, that's exciting.
An elder's business is advertising on this site!
by stuckinarut2 inoh the irony!.
i have noticed several times, that a business, owned by an elder who used to be at bethel as a young guy, advertises here!.
ok, before i get shot down, i understand that ads are generated somehow by key words on the page etc...(perhaps someone can explain it properly?).
It is ironic though, I agree. He probably has no idea.