Untruth, what a situation, I have so much respect for you in this tough situation.
I didn't go through the same (turns out Mr. Spiral was having doubts for a long time too!) but I have to agree with Greybeard on this one, other comments have been on point too I'm sure.
I'm wondering, is it possible you can move/transfer jobs to a new and exciting place? If you get your wife away from her usual group, changing your reality and doing something fun and new, she might see things in a whole new light. Sometimes, a "change of venue" is what's needed to see things from a new perspective.
I can tell you one thing, it's very true that a lot of JWs are really strict with themselves until they get into their late 50s or 60s, suddenly they wake up a bit and say WTF did I do wasting all these years???? I have seen this SEVERAL times this year, and it's heartbreaking to see people you know and like (but not really my friends, because the bOrg always came first) suddenly realize they've been duped. Good for you for waking up now!!!