I asked an old JW friend of mine why so many baptized individuals leave the JW religion. "Did it ever occur to you, old friend, that maybe they know something that you don't know and have valid reasons for leaving?", I asked.
His response set me back for an answer. He said, " The vast majority of those who leave the truth do it for one of three reasons:
1). They want to go out and fornicate, or are already fornicating, get caught and leave.
2). They have homosexual desires and finally go out and decide to act on those desires.
3). They've been stumbled and their pride pushes them out."
He outright refused to accept that some left after careful introspection and independent research. He said they only start to do those things in order to justify their immoral, prideful ways. Once they want out, they'll find any excuse they can to criticize the organization.
Is there some truth to what he said? Perhaps some of us were in situations one, two or three which propelled us to start looking into the history and inner workings of the organization and find its flaws. What category do you fall under? I'd say I fall under category three.